God of This City

This morning at church, the band played a new song called God of This City. It’s by the Irish worship band, Bluetree. Chris Tomlin performs the song on the recently released Passion 08 album.

Passion 08 Album Cover

On the day the album came out, I heard a radio interview with Lou Giglio, leader of Passion, talking about this song. I had it heard it on the Internet that morning, and honestly it didn’t do much for me. It was a little too mellow for my tastes.

When I heard the story behind the God of This City, I was floored. Bluetree had the opportunity to perform in a bar in Pattaya, Thailand, which is a big part of the industry in Thailand. While jamming along to a loop, this song come out as a prophecy over the city. I highly recommend reading this interview with the band for the whole story.

I was driving in my car hearing this story, and just got chills… My church, GracePoint, is in the middle of a series about Unleashing God’s love on the city of Wichita. I knew immediately that we had to play the song.  I’ve also been teaching the song to my Lifegroup.

Ed put together some video clips of GP serving the community, as well as simple clips of the city. The video ran on the screens while the band played. For the last chorus, Gil had everyone singing out “For greater things have yet to come, and greater things are still to be done in this city!” It was awesome! If you missed it, we’ll be doing it again next Sunday. I’ll post a link to the video, if Ed puts one together.

Like I said earlier, God of This City isn’t really my normal style of music. But still, I get chills every time I hear it. In this interview, Chris Tomlin talks about what an important song God of This City is. I couldn’t agree more. It’s a very important song for the church right now!

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