Welcome to the home of

the UEA Mutineers

Hello fellow Mutineers and other visitors!

Welcome to the (finally) revamped website of the UEA Mutineers.  Many thanks to Tufty who has, til now kept the website in tip top condition, updating after every tour and religiously uploading photos, fines, etc. etc.  I have tried to replicate most of this to the best of my ability and add some new stuff too.  I hope you enjoy it.  Constructive suggestions, comments, criticism (praise?!) welcome and I’ll see what I can do.


About us

The Mutineers are a touring side, mainly made up of ex-University of East Anglia students from the mid nineties.
We have evolved since the beginning and as our reach has spread to hockey teams around the country so to has
our membership, we can now count within our ranks many non-UEA "players", from Chelmsford HC, East London HC, Norwich Dragons, Barnes Hounslow Ealing HC and Basingstoke HC to name a few.

We have attended the Weymouth Easter Invitation Festival for over a decade(!), although for the past couple of years have favoured the sunnier climes of Worthing in May, whoever said we were fair weather hockey players???  We also enter various other tournaments around the country whenever the need arises!

We are an extremely social club/team and have numerous other social "events".  The result of a decade of familiarity and touring can be seen throughout this website.  We have also started to breed, heaven forbid....


LAST UPDATED... Wednesday, 13 July 2011

To see what other Mutineers are up to:

Dan White’s homepage


Other Mutineer/UEA-related sites:

UEA Hockey


Barnes Hockey Club


Chelmsford Hockey Club


Norfolk Dragons


Basingstoke HC


Johnny “rudeboy” Downer’s pages


Useful Hockey sites:



Click here to see the latest Mutineer newsMutineer_Newsfeed/Mutineer_Newsfeed.html

Kit providers in the past few years:



Contact webmaster to advertise in this space!