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Personal Care Products – Organic? Safe?

April 2nd, 2010

There has been some real headway in the move to get manufacturers of health care products, such as cosmetics, skin care, and even shampoos, to “come clean. The Organic Consumers Association is dedicated to compelling the personal care industry to divest themselves of the word “organic” in their products, if in fact they are not organic. A huge array of products, such as shampoo, body lotions and cosmetics are not really regulated insofar as certifying that they are organic. Thus, a manufacturer may allege it is organic, when in fact, it is not. Too often, the main cleansing agent and preservatives are made from synthetic chemicals and petrochemical compounds.

There are some “organic cheaters” in the health care field and some were targeted by OCA to the USDA. Two of the companies who alleged “organic” on their products, reneged on a signed promise to provide product and ingredient information to Skin Deep which has an enormous database of personal care products (see their spreadsheet which shows the toxic level of popular products – a 2 or lower is all right, but higher is not good). Their refusal meant they would not allow OCA to evaluate the safety of their products. Eminence Organic Skin Care and Head Organics are two of the products that OCA has complained about. Ilike Organic Skin Care and Surya Sapien Organic are two other products who have refused to cooperate. Perhaps it is because they (at the time of this writing) and according to OCA’s complaint, these products utilize surfactants made in part or entirely from petrochemicals as primary cleansing ingredients, and have no organic agricultural material. There’s nothing “organic” about them. Eminence claims that Alpha Olefin Sulfonate, the main cleansing agent in its Organic Stone Crop Bodywash, is from a “plant source,” but the truth is that this cleanser is available, commercially, only in petrochemical form.

Best Eyelash Growth Serum products are a 1 or zero on Skin Deep’s tests. That means the product does not contain anything toxic or harmful to the human body. It was for this purpose that the product was created. Ava Anderson has a zero tolerance for toxic substances in their products. Educated women who understand what is really happening behind the scenes in the cosmetics and skin care world (that it is all about money, not safety with the majority of main line cosmetic firms) are starting to take notice of the contents of their makeup and skin care products. Lipsticks are now being scrutinized. Wiping a cleanser onto and into their skin is not done in ignorance. They’re understanding now that what Dr. Samuel Epstein, former head of the Cancer Prevention Coalition, said, if true: “It is more dangerous to put a product on your skin than to eat it.” Women are becoming more selective as to what they wipe on their skin. Some have decided to quit poisoning themselves.

POISONED IN THE WOMB: Toxins from Cosmetics

March 17th, 2010

Research has conclusively proven that babies in the womb are exposed to a wide array of toxic chemicals. Even before being born, while still in the womb of mother, these unborn babies are accumulating toxins in their bodies. Research has shown their blood contains dangerous compounds linked to everyday household cleaners used by the mother, the best whitening kit and cosmetics, and many other harmful chemicals.[1] Read the rest of this entry »


March 5th, 2010


Ava Anderson

Ava discovered, at the age of 14, the issue of chemicals in personal care products, and the hazardous health effects. The more Ava researched, the more concerned she became. She started a blog to talk about where to find safer products. It soon became apparent that although the market is flooded with “organic”, “natural”, “safe” and “pure”, there were almost always toxic ingredients included, as well. After throwing out most of her products, and her mother and grandmothers’ products, too, she could find nothing “Ava Approved” to replace them with.

She had become truly disturbed at how consumers were unaware of the risks of common brands, and how those who thought they were making safe choices were unaware of what was really in the products they were purchasing. After months and hundreds of hours of fruitless research, Ava realized that she would need to create her own products.

Through a family friend she located a manufacturer with research facilities that could develop and produce products to her standards. It was a great challenge to develop these revolutionary formulas. Ava’s vision and persistence finally met with success and the first full line of completely non-toxic cosmetics and skin care was born. The line is the only one that is all “zeros” in the Cosmetics Database (

Toxins in Personal Care Products

February 27th, 2010

In Europe, manufacturers of personal care products, such as cosmetics and skin care lotions and the like, are required by law to remove 1100 chemicals from the personal care products imported to Europe. In the United States, manufacturers of skin care products and other cosmetic products leave the chemicals in the product because only 9 chemicals are barred from the American products, and no one is telling them they must remove the chemicals. The FDA has no apparent oversight and thus, it is “buyer beware.”

Ava Anderson Skin CareFortunately, there are products you can trust in America. They’re made by Ava Anderson non-toxic, and are the best and safest skin care products on the market.

If you care about your health, or the health of a loved one who uses beauty products such as skin creams or other makeups and cleansers, you’ll want to look closely at using these skin care products. They are 100% pure organic and safe for the skin and your health. Why put harmful, toxic chemicals onto your skin?

According to Dr. Samuel Epstein, former head of the Cancer Prevention Coalition, “It is more dangerous to put a product on your skin than to eat it.”

Think about it the next time you put that moisturizer on your skin. Do you really know what chemicals it contains? And, if you do, are they harmful? Are they toxic? Don’t play games with your life and your skin.

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Ava Anderson Babies In The Womb Beauty Products Cancer Prevention Coalition Chemicals Consumers Cosmetic Products Cosmetics Dangerous Compounds Dispersants Dr Samuel Epstein Emulsifying Agents Europe Everyday Household Eye Shadow Fda Gelling Agents Hair Spray Harmful Chemicals Hazardous Health Health Health Effects Household Cleaners Liquid Soap Makeups Modelling Clay Moisturizer Newborn Babies Non Toxic Nutritional Supplements Oversight Personal Care Products Play Games Printing Inks Safer Products Skin Care Skin Care Lotions Skin Care Products Skin Creams Toxic Chemicals Toxic Ingredients Toxins Umbilical Cords Unborn Babies Viscosity Control
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