thesignsinthestars asked:

There was an American magazine that came out, it always had the most amazing photography. The format was a bit different, it had thicker paper and it was wide not tall. They focused on indie bands and UK bands, lots of 4AD stuff and Belly, REM, Pavement. I had an issue featuring Lush wearing huge, marabou feather or fake fur coats. The magazine started with an R. Do you have any idea what I'm talking about?

It might be RAY GUN, which was a pretty cutting edge alt music magazine back in the 90s. The articles were sometimes a challenge to read because of the bizarre layout on some of the pages, but the photography was always gorgeous.

I specifically remember having different issues with Blur, Pulp, NIN and…I want to say Babes in Toyland, maybe…on the cover. (Unfortunately, only the NIN issue remains in my possession.) I think it folded in in the late 90s or early ‘00s.

Hope that helps! If this isn’t the magazine you are thinking of, maybe someone else out there has an idea?

  1. skeeebooop reblogged this from ohitsthe90s
  2. thr33sa-blog said: I think thesignsinthestars is right. Probably Ray Gun. I had a most excellent issue with the Cramps on the cover. A few others, too.
  3. ohitsthe90s posted this