I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to Nick, Jessica, Alex and Martin Ortner for choosing my project with the Kids with Cancer in Oaxaca as the recipient of their heart-felt desire to be of service. The results are beginning to come in already.

I give my deepest gratitude to all of you who were inspired to donate to the Project. You are the ones who have made what it possible for me to touch even more children and families. Thank you! My desire is that all of you are blessed at least a 1000 fold for your support of these children and me.

I would like to share a few examples of how your support has already helped many children.

1. Now I can walk into the hospital and immediately give a TappyBear to a child who would love to have one to use while tapping. It is the greatest sensation knowing that the child receives this loving gift along with the ability to tap. Before I had to tell the children they could be included in a “raffle” in order to “win” a Tappy. It was the only way I could think to make it fair as each child wanted their own Tappy. To be a “winner” felt like a good option when having a limited supply of Tappys to donate.

2. I am able to set up private tapping sessions with some of the families with a child with cancer. Out of the hospital setting the families have more privacy in which to share the deeper issues going on in their families. This allows me to help them remove deeper emotional root causes of what has transpired and influenced the health of the child and family.

3. . More videos and photos have been taken to help document the tapping work with the children.

4. As a result of Till’s arrival in the hospital to help me give out Tappys, the Director of the hospital opened his doors to us for a conversation. It may lead to the opportunity for me to teach others what I do and to set up a research project to document what I’m doing.

To all who have donated now or in the past. I appreciate you so very much too.
That’s just the beginning. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

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