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101 Things to do in 1001 Days

Start: January 1st, 2009

End: September 29th, 2011

Percentage Completed: 21%

The List:

Since I am a Gamer:

1) Spend an entire weekend playing computer & Wii games and accomplishing nothing else(details)

2.) DM a character up to Level 15 [or higher] (8/15; 47%) (details)

3.) Finish Legacy Challenge to Gen 10 (details)

4.)  Complete 3 of my Lap of Luxury Challenges & Blog them (details)

5.) Finish Neverwinter Nights (1/4; 25%) (details)

6.) Play 3 new RPG systems (1/3; 33%) (details)

Since I am a Graduate Student:

7.) Goal has been changed; and relocated; see below.

8.) Get my Master’s degree (details)

9.) Publish another paper (details)

Since I am an Ecologist (and I should be more outdoorsy):

10.) Go camping

11.) Go to three national parks (1/3)

12.) Visit a park with some kind of caves/caverns Completed 8/10/09

13.) Walk every “walking trail” in the Toledo Metropark system (0/34) (details)

Since I love mail: 1/8 completed;

14.) Catch up on all my penpal letters Completed 1/31/09

15.) Trade 400 (total) Postcards on Postcrossing (121/400)

16.) Keep up w/ penpal letters for 3 months (no more than 3 in stack) (0/3)

17.) Exchange a snailmail letter with someone every day for a month; and exchange e-mails with someone daily for two months (31/31; 62/62) Completed

18.) Organize and update on penpaling supplies (Send out FBs, Make more Fbs, Organize stationary and envies, swap materials, etc….)

19.) Send 13 random (non-holiday) surprise packages to friends and family (0/13)

20.) Make 13 swaps on Gimme Your Stuff (0/13)

21.) Goal has been changed; and relocated; see below.

Since I am an Aquarium Hobbyist:

22.) Breed Mystery Snails

23.) Create a native tank and go collecting with TRAC people

24.) Breed an egg-layer

25.) Transform all current tanks into biotopes 0/5

Since I am not nearly as healthy as I’d like: 3/13 completed

26.) Lose 10 lbs (6/10)

27.) Lose 10 lbs more

28.) Lose 10 lbs more

29.) Wii Fit everyday for 1 month – Completed 1/31/09

30.) Reach Ideal Weight

31.) No soda for a week – Completed 7/25/09

32.) Drink only water & milk for a week

33.) Eat “healthy” for a week

34.) Eat 5-6 small, balanced meals every day for a month (0/31)

35.) Spend a week logging what I eat (0/7)

36.) Use my Nutricalc program for 1 week (0/7)

37.) Take vitamin each day for a month Completed 1/31/09

38.) Have fruit or veggie for a snack at least 5 times per week for a month (0/20)

Since I love Random Adventures: 1/9 completed;

39.) Find 300 Geocaches (127/300; 42%)

40.) Host two Maine Trips (2/2) Completed 12/27/09

41.) Have another Maine trip w/ at least 15 people Completed 8/13/10

42.) Go on three random day adventures where I have no destination, and I use my GPS to find my way home (0/3)

43.) See 3 ridiculous attractions (like Big Butter Jesus) (1/3)

44.) Visit “Dog River” with Jimmy after watching all the episodes of Corner Gas

45.) Play Walmart Bingo

46.) Visit Niagra Falls

47.) Visit one state I have not been too yet Completed 3/14/09

Since I love being crafty:

48.) Scrapbook Maine Stuff

49.) Handmade Christmas Gifts for each person for one Christmas Completed 12/25/09

50.) Sell something on Etsy; Buy 3 things on Etsy (1/3)

51.) Make my penpal scrapbook

52.) Learn 1 new craft Completed 12/09

53.) Make 1001 paper cranes and 1001 origami stars (0/1001; 300+/1001; 30%)

54.) Make my own fragrance with essential oils (details)

55.) Take 3 photos a day for 1 month (0/93)

Since I love organization:

56.) Organize recipes

57.) Finish Developing Disposable Cameras

58.) Freecycle 101 Things (80/101; 80%)

59.) Go through my “Bookmarked” List

60.) Clean up Yahoo! Group list Completed 6/21/09

Since I am in the Mid-West (and won’t be here forever):

61.) Visit every AZA zoo in 4-hour radius (2/19)

62.) Attend 3 food festivals

63.) Visit Toledo Farmer’s Market

64.) Visit Cedar Point

65.) Spend a Day in Detroit

66.) Spend a Day in Cleveland

67.) Spend a Day in Columbus

68.) Spend a Day in Cinncinati

69.) Spend Day in Ann Arbor Completed 2/13/10

Since I have a Wonderful Man:

70.) Vacation with Jimmy

71.) [[Private]] (0/12)

72.) [[Private]] (0/3)

73.) Give Jimmy a list of 101 reasons why I love him. Completed: 1/25/09

Since Money Really Does Matter:

74.) Get $3,000 in the temporary savings account and start putting money in permanent savings

75.) No Spending Challenge- One month with no extra spending, and necessities are limited to a set amount (like $100; utility bills, mortgage, etc… are exempt)

76.) Shop for 1 week’s worth of groceries using coupons/sales (ie. every item I buy has to have a coupon or be on sale) Completed 11/19/10

Since I Care:

77.) Make my family tree

78.) Reach “Ambassador” Rank in GeoChallenge

79.) Volunteer for 101 hours (0/101)

80.) Give 1,000,000 grains of rice on (19,000/1,000,000; 1.9%)

81.) Make blog to keep track of this list & blog all activities (6/101; 6%)

Since I Need to Socialize More:

82.) Get 30 people to sign-up for the Yahoo! group and create their own lists. Have 3 other “listers” participate in activities on my list. Participate in 3 activities on other people’s lists (12/30; 0/3; 0/3)

83.) Meet a penpal in person

84.) Convince a friend from MA to come out and visit me in Toledo

85.) Make a new friend Completed: Over 2009

86.) Go to the movies 3 times (if its while visiting home or in Maine it doesn’t count) (3/3) Completed: 1/10

87.) Greet Everyone for a Month (Greet 1 more person each day than I did before; so at least 31 people on the final day; inspired from a reader’s digest article; I will explain more later) (0/31)

Since Reading and Writing is Important:

88.) Read an average of 1 book a month (Currently: 29/33)

89.) Do a NaBloPoMo month Completed

90.) Get book club all caught up and make list 4 Completed 7/18/09

91.) Finish book lists 1-3 (1/3)

Just Because: 1/3 completed

92.) Get my Aerogarden running again Completed 1/18/09

93.) Paint nails every Sunday for a month (0/4)

94.) Spend one day without using the computer, Wii, or TV.

Since I am Pretty Crazy:

95.) Have a Disney Marathon Completed 6/19/10

96.) Finally have my ideal marathon: Labyrinth, Dark Crystal, Neverending Story, Princess Bride and Willow Completed 12/31/09

97.) Make every cookie in my cookie recipe book and holiday cookie magazine (0/196)

98.) See 125 of the top 250 movies on IMDB [rewatch those I have seen] (4/125)

99.) Make it through a whole week without using any of my lists (not sure if this is even possible) (0/7)

100.) Spend $100 (all at once) at both Macqueen’s Farmer’s Market & The Baker’s Kitchen in Perrysburg.

101.) Make a new list and start over!

Relocated Goals:

7) ???

21) ???


16 Comments leave one →
  1. taraSG permalink
    June 22, 2009 12:24 pm

    I love love love number 96! I’ve never come across someone other than my sister who loved Willow! I hadn’t thought about that movie in years and have the sudden urge to watch it again now. Great list!

    • opicana permalink
      June 23, 2009 12:05 am

      Tara- Thanks for stopping by! Willow totally rocks 🙂 I’m a total fantasy nerd, lol.

  2. June 24, 2009 11:44 am

    I love goal number 96!! That will be the best marathon ever 🙂

  3. taraSG permalink
    August 4, 2009 3:08 pm

    Looking for a community of fellow 101 list makers? Look no further than the Day Zero List Makers ( We are hoping that you will join us in this 101 in 1001 community. Share your goals, meet other day zero project participants, and offer support/encouragement/general thoughts and ideas through the forums. You can also start or join a group, upload photos or videos, and participate in our (monthly?) blog award contest.

  4. mommyinmotion permalink
    October 7, 2009 11:09 pm

    Great list! You’re much farther along than I am!

  5. Erin permalink
    October 12, 2009 6:36 pm

    I love this list! It’s inspired me to make one of my own, thanks! Oh, and I agree – #96 will be the best marathon EVER!

    • opicana permalink
      October 12, 2009 7:18 pm

      Yay! I am so glad you are making one of your own! They are SO much fun. If you make a blog, please let me know what it is so I can post a link and watch your progress! Good luck!

  6. Shona permalink
    November 5, 2009 5:07 pm

    Totally impressed by your list, Kara!! I think I will try and make one myself over the weekend!! 🙂

  7. November 21, 2009 8:16 pm

    I love this idea! I’m going to work on one of my own. It must feel so good to take things off the list… and to start a new one as well!

  8. November 22, 2009 5:58 pm

    I just recently compiled my 101 things in 1001 days list…i am curious to see how much of my list that i complete!

    happy iclw!


  1. Opi’s Ramblings
  2. Blog Comments : Week 6 « 101 Goals in 1001 Days
  3. MeMe « 101 Goals in 1001 Days
  4. Updates & Aggravations « Opi's Ramblings
  5. The Adventures of Annabelle Pine | Opi's Sims

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