HCL Desktop computer Hardware validated with Latest Ubuntu Linux

HCL Desktop computer Hardware validated with Latest Ubuntu Linux : Indian computer users have long been looking for computer hardware manufacturers and assemblers to support hardware and devices with Ubuntu and other latest modern applications / softwares

HCL Infiniti Challenger 5130 Desktop computer and all its hardware components have been certified as Validated Hardware for running the most modern and latest version of Ubuntu Linux to woo Indian lovers of Open Source software and applications.

Details : Validation overview
Model: LX Infiniti Challenger 5130 Status: Compatible
Type: Desktop Release: 8.04 LTS
Manufacturer: HCL Infosystems Limited Architecture: 64-bit PC (x86_64)
Aliases: LX Infiniti Challenger 5130, LX Netgraph 102/p/u, LX Busybee/alpha/Beta Z/Q/T 310, Beanstalk Classic Z/Q/T 314, Ezeebee/TOP/MAX Z/Q/T 311, HCL DOMINATOR Z/Q/T 316, Beanstalk Z/Q/T 314, Beanstalk Z/Q/T 315, HCL POS Z/Q/T 312 Ambience
Website: http://www.hclinfosystems.in

Validation details : Linux Ubuntu Version 8.04 LTS – Long Term Support

This is surely a very good and welcome development in the Indian computer and devices hardware market as customers have the choice to buy branded and assembled computers with top quality Open source software from the best open source software innovation companies.

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