
Partners For Collaborative Solutions Team

Matthew D. Selekman, MSW, LCSW


Matthew is the founder and director of Partners for Collaborative Solutions. He is a licensed clinical social worker, a certified addictions counselor, and a Clinical Fellow and Approved Supervisor with the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. Matthew provides couples therapy, family therapy, group therapy, individual therapy, and individual and group supervision in his private practice office in Skokie, Illinois, USA. He is the 2006, 2000, and 1999 recipient of the Walter S. Rosenberry Award offered by the Children’s Hospital in Denver, Colorado for having made significant contributions to the fields of psychiatry and the behavioral sciences. Matthew has published numerous family therapy articles and the following eight practice-oriented books: Working with High-Risk Adolescents: A Collaborative Strengths-Based Therapy Approach;, (with Mark Beyebach) Changing Self-Destructive Habits: Pathways to Solutions with Couples and Families; (with Giorgio Nardone) Hartarse, Vomitar, Torturarse: La Terapia Tiempo Breve; Collaborative Brief Therapy with Children; The Adolescent and Young Adult Self-Harming Treatment Manual: A Collaborative Strengths-Based Brief Therapy Approach; Working with Self-Harming Adolescents: A Collaborative Strengths-Based Approach; Pathways to Change: Brief Therapy with Difficult Adolescents, 2nd ed.; and (with Thomas Todd) Family Therapy Approaches with Adolescent Substance Abusers.

Since 1985, Matthew has presented workshops on family therapy and collaborative strengths-based brief therapy with couples and families, challenging clients presenting with self-destructive behaviors, serious anger management difficulties, and children and adolescents with extensive treatment histories throughout North America, Mexico, South America, Europe, Turkey, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, Indonesia, and South Africa. He provides consultation to mental health and addictions professionals, juvenile justice programs, behavioral healthcare organizations, and school systems throughout the world. His passion, humor, and strong emphasis on teaching creative and practical therapeutic tools and strategies that workshop participants’ can put to immediate use with their toughest clients is often highly acclaimed. Matthew’s research interest areas are: couple and family therapy with self-injury, substance abuse, and eating disorders; the therapeutic relationship and alliance-building strategies; creative uses of self as the catalyst for change; and client self-change and natural healing capacities.

Mark Beyebach, Ph. D.

photo of partner for collaborative solutions' Mark BeyebachMark serves as a clinical research consultant and trainer for Partners for Collaborative Solutions in Pamplona, Spain and Skokie, Illinois, USA. He is a clinical psychologist and licensed family therapist and family therapy supervisor in Spain. Mark has served as the director of the Master’s Degree Program in Systemic Therapy at the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca in Salamanca, Spain for 18 years. He is frequently invited to serve as a guest lecturer in universities throughout Spain and Europe. Mark is currently a board member for the European Brief Therapy Association, and has been on the executive board of the Spanish Federation of Family Therapy Associations. He is the author of the following practice-oriented books: 24 Ideas para una Psicotera pia Breve (24 Ideas for Brief Psychotherapy); (with Jose Navarro) Terapia Familiar: Lecturas (Readings in Family Therapy) and Avances en Terapia Familiar Sistemica (Advances in Systemic Family Therapy); (with Marga Herrero) 200 Tareas en Terapia Breve (200 Homework Tasks in Brief Therapy); (with Marga Herrero) Como Criar Hijos Tiranos: Un Manual de Anti-Ayuda para de Ninos y Adolescentes (How to Raise a Little Tyrant: An Anti-Self-Help Book for Parents of Children and Adolescents); and (with Matthew D. Selekman) Changing Self-Destructive Habits: Pathways to Solutions with Couples and Families. Mark has published over 60 articles and book chapters on solution-focused brief therapy and family therapy.

Mark has presented over 200 workshops and consulted extensively throughout Spain, Europe, Mexico, South America, North America, and Asia. As a trainer, he is often described by participants as being passionate, inspiring, humorous, and thought provoking. He is a highly seasoned couple and family therapist and an internationally renown researcher. Mark’s main research interest areas are: solution-focused brief therapy treatment process and outcome research; program evaluation; the therapeutic relationship and alliance-building strategies; and couple and family therapy with eating disorders and problem gambling.

Training and Consultation

View Matthew Selekman’s and Mark Beyebach’s Workshop Schedules or Contact us for more information.