Good Design award

Papillon Press was honoured locally this week by being the recipient of Sudbury’s first ever design award: the Good Design award. A ceremony was held at City Hall and we got to shake the mayoress’ hand. “The Good Design Award honours annual achievements and/or commitment to the practice of professional graphic design, with emphasis on quality design of the highest form, function, and aesthetic—a standard beyond ordinary or typical.”*

We were told we would have the chance to say a few words, so I wrote down a little speech. Unfortunately the mayoress was not aware of this and so we weren’t given the chance to say anything. But I thought I’d publish my speech anyway:

We would like to thank the Sudbury Design Society, the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund and also our families for all the support they’ve given us over the years. We are very grateful for this award, thank you.

Joel and I made the decision long ago to make our livings being illustrators, he with editorial and I with letterpress, and while it’s not always easy it is ultimately the most rewarding for us. 

Art and design in a society are 2 very important things that ensure a culturally vibrant place to live. On a municipal level, it is what makes a city a great city and a destination for others to visit. It’s important for people in creative industries to be surrounded by other individuals also in creative industries and we hope the creation of this award will highlight the importance of art and design in this city and encourage younger generations to stay and pursue their creative ambitions in Sudbury.

We’re glad that there is now an award in Sudbury that celebrates the importance of art and design. Once again, thank you. We are grateful for the recognition.

Good Design Award recipients. From left: Peter Zwarich of the River and Sky music festival, Mayor Matichuk, Chantal and Joel, Ron Beltrame and Mark McAllister of the SDS

From the Sudbury Star

*taken from the Sudbury Design Society

About papillonpress

Papillon Press is a custom-illustrated letterpress stationery and invitation company. View all posts by papillonpress

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