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Computer Sciences

A method to mitigate hallucinations in large language models

Large language models (LLMs), artificial neural networks-based architectures that can process, generate and manipulate texts in various human languages, have recently become increasingly widespread. These models are now being ...


Wearable devices get signal boost from new material

A new material that moves like skin while preserving signal strength in electronics could enable the development of next-generation wearable devices with continuous, consistent wireless and battery-free functionality.

Hi Tech & Innovation

New flexible film detects eyelash proximity in blink-tracking glasses

When another person's finger hovers over your skin, you may get the sense that they're touching you, feeling not necessarily contact, but their proximity. Similarly, researchers reporting in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ...


Gamma-ray method monitors nuclear reactors safely and quickly

Scientists at EPFL have devised and tested out a new, gamma-noise method for monitoring nuclear reactors non-invasively and from a distance. The new method, tested out on EPFL's CROCUS nuclear reactor, can improve nuclear ...