We are the best, so screw the rest- AKA Rachel’s St Trinians 2 post

So as you are all probably more than aware tonight I went to see St Trinians 2, and without giving the plot away I thought I would tell you all what I thought.

Obviously I thought David Tennant played a brilliant role as the evil woman hating Sir Pomifey, but I dont really think hes cut out to act as threatening towards men. His accent was lovely though.

Rupert Everett and Colin Firth were back on true form, but the real stars of the film were of course the young girls who played the students. Each group had a fantastic leader as always but my favourite was Bianca the chav. I quite liked Sarah Harding but I didn’t really understand the purpose of her character if I’m honest.

Watch out for the twist at the end as it had me in stiches laughing.

I also thought the costumes were fantastic, my favourite piece though was the hat Annabelle (Tallulah Riley) was wearing in the train station:

Or in fact her whole outfit from that part of the film:

My school uniform certainly didn’t look like that

So basically the film is more than worth going to see, so go see it guys!

About Rachel Charlton-Dailey

PR girl, gin lover and happy soul.
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4 Responses to We are the best, so screw the rest- AKA Rachel’s St Trinians 2 post

  1. Sarah says:

    Fantastic, thank you!

    Will see this as soon as I get a chance.

  2. Rachel says:

    Yay! Someone else who actually enjoyed the film! (And therefore the first!) And that outfit is INCREDIBLE… that’s just what I said in my film review post!


  3. Jess says:

    ‘my school uniform certainly didnt look like that’

    I wish i went to st trinians.
    people might treat me with a bit of respect.;/
    My nan said when i was younger she said
    “you would have ended up there”
    id have loved that.
    im glad you did this, i really wanted to see it

  4. Rachel says:

    It’s bloody amazing.

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