Hiljainen Kansa (the Silent People)   43529
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Location: about 20 km north of Suomussalmi, Oulu Lääni      by: Jos Sanders
Area: Finland      Date: 28-08-2002
Made by the Finnish artist and dancer Reijo Kela. In 1994 he performed a dance between these 800 "scarecrows". Twice a year people change the clothes, in wintertime nice and warm cloths (it can be very cold in Finland), in summertime airy cloths like the ones you see on the photo.
You can find Hiljainen Kansa tilataideteos (the Quiet People) along the highway E63 from Suomussalmi to Peranka in the east of the Oulu Lääni (Oulu Province).

360 degrees, 13 photos


Good photograph, but the motive is a bit frightening - what is this for? Art?
2009/01/11 17:33 , Robert Mitschke
Awesome scenery ! Like Robert said, don't want to land up here to meet these scary puppets while hazy and topped with a touch of an enchanted illumination from the moon ... I'd seen too much lousy movies :-)) But it certainly enriches our gallery. Greetings Hans-Jürgen
2009/01/11 19:00 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
Crazy! I hope these people get warm clothes in winter, I think they can't say, if it freezes them. Greetings Werner
2009/01/11 20:15 , Werner Schelberger
Great sight! 
I don't find them very scary, more like a bunch of hippies during an open air festival with their wild hairstyle and colorful clothes.
2009/01/18 18:12 , Wolfgang Schmähling

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Jos Sanders

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