First Summer Dress 2010

Its going to be summer here in sunny California! In fact, it feels like summer is already here, my flowers are blooming, my trees are leafy (and thirst for water) and our house is warm and sunny! So it is time to bust out my first summer dress of the year — dress copy cat!

Other people copy designer dresses, but I copy my fellow burdastylers (well, they are designers too!). This dress is a blatant copy of Vivat VeritasGarden Party Dress. I fell in love with her backless dress and I was just dying to make one! It was really easy to make, except I think my back hole is not as big as hers. I think this might be because I just used the back pattern with a half circle cut off from it, while she might have seperated the back piece into two. I am planning to make another one with the backless detail.

She has so many backless dress that its not even funny, She is my backless heroin. *drooooooooooooooool*

To make, download the free Danielle pattern, print out the parts with the front and back bodice. cut out a half circle from the back pattern (I made sure that the narrowest point is still bigger than 1 inch so that i can flip the right side out after stitching the shell to the lining), and used the same pattern for both shell and lining. Then cut out a few squares for the waist and the skirt part, tada! I only used 1 yard of Vera Wang’s cotton lycra from fabric mart — its a very breezy and thin crisp cotton from fabric mart, I still have 2 yards left, maybe for a kimono!

p.s. I got those awesome studded high heels from Target last year for only like, 15 dollars, yay for bargain shoes– I am close to the “normal” petite height of 5’4 in those!

10 thoughts on “First Summer Dress 2010

  1. Really cool! Question. So you can’t wear bras with those do you keep from pointing from the front of the dress? I have one such dress and thank god the front is much thicker so I don’t feel uncomfortable wearing it without a bra. Do you pad the front so you don’t have to wear a bra?

    1. hahaha, hmm, pointing is a style, right? šŸ˜‰ this dress has a horizontal stripe right below the bust, so that supports my twins. i also put interface in the bodice (a stiff piece of fabric) so that it is lightly padded!

  2. That dress is gorgeous! I love maybe 15 dresses and they all are backless.. I love that kind of dresses because I have a big tattoo on my back and during the summer I love to show it… šŸ™‚

  3. Great dress! I don’t remember you telling me that you made a dress recently. It’s freaky, how you found time to make it while spending every weekend doing yardwork and all your sewing stuff had been in your bathroom…. Are you a robot?

    1. muahaha! well, i actually made this one a few weeks ago, just spreading out my projects so that I can have a constant stream of visitors during this sewing downtime — i havent sewn for almost 2 weeks now >_<

      and yes, i am a robot. a robot who doesnt know how to spell.

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