Road Test: Mazda RX7 vs Porsche 924S

Mazda RX7 vs Porsche 924S Top Gear Road Test (1985)

Two cars. One man. A lot of zips. 1980’s cars and fashion.

As for the actual review, if for nothing else I would choose the Porsche for what it is missing; rev limit warning buzzer.

Did this sort of car review actually add any value or was it just an animated sales brochure?


2 thoughts on “Road Test: Mazda RX7 vs Porsche 924S

  1. I’m a car bore and he makes me feel sleepy.

    I had to chuckle at the line about Mazda long solving any rotor tip wear. They must have forgotten all they knew on the FD RX-7.


    Thank you.

    Posted by Rob King (@FistsOfHam) | August 20, 2012, 7:13 pm

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