Puzzle Page

Welcome, and thank you for visiting our Puzzle page, scroll down the screen for more puzzles and games.


First to seven wins!

Tilly's Traffic Trials


Roll the dice (we only have one, the other went under the settee) by clicking the roll arrow at the bottom right of the board.

Control your player by moving Tilly along the road with your cursor keys (following the path of the road) following the instructions on the squares.

Good luck and have fun!


Radish Rescue

The scarecrow has fallen asleep and the birds are stealing the radish crop get them past the birds to save them.

First to 7 wins!


Pumpkin Pong

The ghosts have challenged Tilly the Taxi to a game of tennis in the haunted, first to three is the winner, good luck!!

Click start to begin.


Above each puzzle is a small preview of each.








Oakwood map jigsaw puzzle