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When it Rains it Pours: A Guide to Getting Through Stressful Times

October 20, 2010

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Life is Stressful at Times

Image by via Flickr

Have you ever stopped to think about what the sayings we use everyday mean? “When it rains, it pours”. That just about sums up the last two weeks around our house. It’s been chock-full of drama, action and adventure, so much so that you could write a movie about it. So how do I stay calm and stress free through it all? It’s really tough, but I certainly try. Here are some tips to help get you through the action adventure movie you call your life:

  • Take 10: Just like actors on a movie set, you have detach yourself for a few minutes to recharge. No one can keep going indefinitely. Sometimes you need to take 10 minutes to do something for yourself, even if it’s just to sit back and close your eyes. Check out another one of my posts for ideas that you can use to relax and rejuvenate.
  • Avoid the donuts: We always hear about the donuts on the set, but the reality is that you should avoid sugar during stressful times. They cause highs and lows in your blood sugar, and might make you feel depressed about your situation instead of thinking clearly to get it resolved.
  • Let you co-star help: Whether your co-star is your spouse, life partner, family member, or best friend, let them help you through the tough times. Both of you will feel rewarded in the end, knowing that you can lean on each other in good times and bad.
  • Where’s my script?: Just like an actor uses a script, making a list of tasks you need to complete during stressful times will help you reach your goal. It might seem more stressful putting all those things down on paper, but in reality, it feels good to be able to cross things off as you accomplish them. Don’t fret about not crossing everything off in one day, carry the unfinished tasks forward and start a new list. Don’t look back!

These tips have helped me in the past, especially this last week. So now that I’ve taken my “10”…back to my list! Have a great day!

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