Dijkstra’s Algorithm

January 4, 2011

[ Today’s exercise was written by guest author Graham Enos, a PhD student in the Applied Mathematics program at UNC Charlotte, with solution in Python rather than Scheme. Suggestions for exercises are always welcome, or you may wish to contribute your own exercise; feel free to contact me if you are interested. ]

We’ve worked with directed graphs (“digraphs”) in a recent exercise. Today’s exercise is another graph theoretical procedure with many applications: Dijkstra’s Algorithm.

Published by Edgar Dijkstra in 1959, this algorithm searches a digraph for the shortest paths beginning at a specified vertex; to quote the Wikipedia article,

For example, if the vertices of the graph represent cities and edge path costs represent driving distances between pairs of cities connected by a direct road, Dijkstra’s algorithm can be used to find the shortest route between one city and all other cities. As a result, the shortest path first is widely used in network routing protocols, most notably IS-IS and OSPF (Open Shortest Path First).

For instance, in the digraph pictured at right, the shortest path from vertex a to e is [a, c, e]. This path has a length of 7, which is shorter than the path [a, d, e] (which has a length of 16).

The algorithm works its way through the vertices, indexed by their estimated distance from the starting point. At each vertex, the procedure “relaxes” all its outward edges, updating distance and predecessor estimates accordingly. Once complete, the algorithm has in effect constructed a subtree of the graph that gives all the shortest distance paths from the starting vertex to any other vertex in the graph via the predecessor attribute. The shortest path to the desired finishing vertex can then be reconstructed by traversing the predecessor subtree backwards. See Dijkstra’s 1959 paper “A Note on Two Problems in Connexion with Graphs” in Numerische Mathematik (Volume 1, pages 269-271) for more information.

Your task: given a weighted digraph D = (V, E) where the edge weights represent distances between two vertices, a starting vertex s, and a destination vertex f, use Dijkstra’s Algorithm to find the shortest path from s to f in G. When you are finished, you are welcome to read or run a suggested solution, or to post your own solution or discuss the exercise in the comments below.

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7 Responses to “Dijkstra’s Algorithm”

  1. […] today’s Programming Praxis, our task is to implement Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm. Let’s […]

  2. My Haskell solution (see http://bonsaicode.wordpress.com/2011/01/04/programming-praxis-dijkstra%E2%80%99s-algorithm/ for a version with comments):

    import Data.List
    import qualified Data.List.Key as K
    import Data.Map ((!), fromList, fromListWith, adjust, keys, Map)
    buildGraph :: Ord a => [(a, a, Float)] -> Map a [(a, Float)]
    buildGraph g = fromListWith (++) $ g >>=
                   \(a,b,d) -> [(a,[(b,d)]), (b,[(a,d)])]
    dijkstra :: Ord a => a -> Map a [(a, Float)] -> Map a (Float, Maybe a)
    dijkstra source graph =
        f (fromList [(v, (if v == source then 0 else 1/0, Nothing)) 
                    | v <- keys graph]) (keys graph) where
        f ds [] = ds
        f ds q  = f (foldr relax ds $ graph ! m) (delete m q) where
                  m = K.minimum (fst . (ds !)) q
                  relax (e,d) = adjust (min (fst (ds ! m) + d, Just m)) e
    shortestPath :: Ord a => a -> a -> Map a [(a, Float)] -> [a]
    shortestPath from to graph = reverse $ f to where
        f x = x : maybe [] f (snd $ dijkstra from graph ! x)
    main :: IO ()
    main = do let g = buildGraph [('a','c',2), ('a','d',6), ('b','a',3),
                                  ('b','d',8), ('c','d',7), ('c','e',5),
              print $ shortestPath 'a' 'e' g == "ace"
  3. […] Programming Praxis: Dijkstra’s Algorithm […]

  4. My commented version: http://www.gleocadie.net/?p=641&lang=en

    def dijkstra2(g, sn, en, sz):
        g.setdefault(sn, [])
        nexts = g[sn]
        if sn == en:
            return ([en], sz)
        elif sn in memo and memo[sn] != None: # memoization
            return memo[sn]
        elif not nexts or sn in memo: # is a cycle?
            return ([], -1)
            def update_path(e, l): return ([e] + l[0], l[1])
            def f(r): return r[1] != -1
            memo[sn] = None
            m = filter(lambda x:
                         f(update_path(sn, dijkstra2(g, x[0], en, sz + x[1]))),
                res = min(m, key=lambda x: x[1])
                memo[sn] = res
                return res
            except Exception: # empty list passed to min
                return ([], -1)
  5. Rainer said

    My try in Rexx

    /* Daten von: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dijkstra-Algorithmus */
    MAX = 99999                                                              
    orte = 'F MA W S KS KA E N A M'                                          
    strecken = 'F-MA-85 F-W-217 F-KS-173 MA-KA-80 W-E-186 W-N-103',          
               'S-N-183 KA-A-250 N-M-167 KS-M-502 A-M-84'                    
    /* Die Entfernungen (d.) und Vorgänger (p.) werden */                    
    /* durch den ort indiziert, z.B. d.MA oder p.M     */                    
    d. = ''                                                                  
    p. = ''                                                                  
    q = orte                                                                 
    start = 'F'                                                              
    ziel = 'M'                                                               
    wi = 0                                                                   
    do while wi < words(orte)                                                
        wi = wi + 1                                                          
        w = word(orte, wi)                                                   
        if w == start then d.w = 0                                       
                     else d.w = MAX                                      
        p.w = ''                                                         
    do while words(q) > 0                                                
        q = sort(q)                                                      
        u = word(q, 1)                                                   
        q = delword(q, 1, 1)                                             
        call relax u,strecken                                            
    say translate(strip(ausgabe(ziel, '')),'>',' ') '=' d.ziel 'KM'      
    sort: procedure expose d.                                            
        parse arg q                                                      
        sq. = ''                                                         
        si = 0                                                           
        do words(q)                                                      
            si = si + 1                                
            w = word(q, si)                            
            sq.si = right(d.w, 5, '0')||w              
        sq.0 = si                                      
        chg = 1                                        
        do while chg = 1                               
            chg = 0                                    
            do i = 1 to (sq.0 - 1)                     
                do j = (i + 1) to sq.0                 
                    if sq.i > sq.j then do             
                        tmp = sq.i                     
                        sq.i = sq.j                    
                        sq.j = tmp                     
                        chg = 1                        
        q = ''                                         
        do i = 1 to sq.0                                      
            q = q substr(sq.i, 6)                             
        return strip(q)                                       
    relax: procedure expose d. p.                             
        parse arg akt,kanten                                  
        do while length(kanten) > 0                           
            parse value kanten with kante kanten              
            parse value kante with von'-'nach'-'entf          
                when akt == von  then nb = nach               
                when akt == nach then nb = von                
                otherwise iterate                             
            neu = d.akt + entf                                
            if d.nb > neu then do                             
                d.nb = neu                                    
                p.nb = akt                                    
        parse arg vorg, route                                        
        if p.vorg == '' then return strip(reverse(route vorg))       
        return ausgabe(p.vorg,route vorg)                            
  6. Rainer said

    slightly optimized REXX (no double init, no sort but select for next neighbour)

    MAX = 99999                                                              
    orte = 'F MA W S KS KA E N A M'                                          
    strecken = 'F-MA-85 F-W-217 F-KS-173 MA-KA-80 W-E-186 W-N-103',          
               'S-N-183 KA-A-250 N-M-167 KS-M-502 A-M-84'                    
    start = 'F'                                                              
    ziel = 'M'                                                               
    d. = MAX  /* je Ort: Entfernung von start */                                                                
    d.start = 0                                      
    p. = ''   /* je Ort: Vorgänger auf kürzestem Weg */                                                                
    q = orte                                                                 
    do while words(q) > 0  
        u = n_nb(q)                                                    
        q = delword(q, wordpos(u,q), 1)                                             
        call relax u,strecken                                            
    say translate(strip(ausgabe(ziel, '')),'>',' ') '=' d.ziel 'KM'      
    n_nb: procedure expose d. MAX                                           
        parse arg q                                                      
        min = MAX
        rw = ''
        do i = 1 to words(q)
    	w = word(q, i)
            if d.w < min then do
                min = d.w
                rw = w
        return rw                                       
    relax: procedure expose d. p.                             
        parse arg akt,kanten                                  
        do while length(kanten) > 0                           
            parse value kanten with kante kanten              
            parse value kante with von'-'nach'-'entf          
                when akt == von  then nb = nach               
                when akt == nach then nb = von                
                otherwise iterate                             
            neu = d.akt + entf                                
            if d.nb > neu then do                             
                d.nb = neu                                    
                p.nb = akt                                    
        parse arg vorg, route                                        
        if p.vorg == '' then return strip(reverse(route vorg))       
        return ausgabe(p.vorg,route vorg)                            
  7. Mike said
    infinity = float('inf')
    def graph_from_edges(elist, directed=True):
        '''turns list of edges [(fm, to, weight), ...] into a graph in the
           form of nested dictionaries as used by dijkstra() below.
        graph = {}
        for fm, to, wt in elist:
            if fm not in graph:
                graph[fm] = {}
            graph[fm][to] = wt
            if to not in graph:
                graph[to] = {}
            if not directed:
                graph[to][fm] = wt
        return graph
    def dijkstra(graph, source, destination=None):
        '''Calculate minimum path from source to destination, (defaults
        to all reachable nodes. Returns a dict of node:(cost,prev) items.
        Almost verbtim from pseudocode in Wikipedia article:
        dist = {v:infinity for v in graph.keys()}
        prev = {v:None for v in graph.keys()}
        dist[source] = 0
        Q = set(graph.keys())
        while Q:
            u = min(Q, key=dist.get)
            if dist[u] == infinity:
                print "disconnected graph"
            if u == destination:
            for v,w in graph[u].items():
                alt = dist[u] + w
                if alt < dist[v]:
                    dist[v] = alt
                    prev[v] = u
        return {k:(dist[k], prev[k]) for k in graph.keys()}

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