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P.S. Clubhouse

PS Clubhouse

The Concept
P.S. Promotions is one of many companies that are breaking down the traditional concepts of business and the work-place. Rather than having costly office space and employing large numbers of specialist staff, we operate from different locations and use mobile communications and the Internet to reduce overheads and to get closer to the client. Also, we act as facilitators for our clients, bringing in the skills they need on a contractual basis from a network of contacts and connections. What's more, we aim to positively connect people together in meaningful and productive ways that benefit everyone in business terms. Effective business these days calls for:
  • Co-operation not competition
  • Synergy not independence
  • Networking not isolation
One of our aims is to develop "Clubhouses" across the UK which act as resource centres for independent business people, for creative people, for homeworkers and so on. Each Clubhouse will provide facilities for working, for meeting, for socialising. Membership will allow access to all the facilities available. Clients and suppliers alike will benefit from meeting, interacting and working together.

For an artist's impression of how one P.S. Clubhouse might look - click here. (The picture may take about 30 seconds to load on a computer using a 56K modem.)

New, but not unique
For many years, business and creative people have found places to facilitate their working together - coffee houses, clubs and so on. Many industries, too, have worked in this kind of networked, contracted, project-based way - the film industry is a classic example.

There are also radical new examples taking shape across the world. One fascinating example is "Baby" (www.fastcompany.com/online/36/benchmark.html) based in Amsterdam. (Click the link to read all about it from the Fast Company magazine.) We recommend you read Fast Company on-line (www.fastcompany.com/home.html) for some of the latest thinking and examples of this and many other business-related issues.

Church Beyond the Congregation
P.S. Promotions is run by a number of christians who are looking for new ways to make faith relevant in the world today ... and, more specifically, in the communities where they live. Some radical new thinking and research is taking place in this area, some of which can be found at www.newlandscape.net.

Churches can explore ways in which they can open up their facilities for use by the local community, business people, creative people and artists. P.S. Promotions will explore these links and developments in places where churches are prepared to work together for the benefit of the areas in which they are based. P.S. Clubhouses can provide neutral space that can help to break down the division between denominations and between the so-called sacred and secular. They will allow churches and faith-based communities to engage in non-religious forms of worship and mission, which can be attractive, informative and helpful to others without losing their individuality, vision and values.

Contact Us
If you want to explore with us new ways of working together for mutual benefit or if you want to participate in some way, then please contact us at info@pspromotions.co.uk. These ideas will only come about through dialogue and co-operation.

Let's make it happen!