Executive Mentoring

Executive mentoring involves the creation of a unique, one-to-one partnership in which those being mentored – ‘mentees’ - are able to explore, understand and potentially change any aspect of their personal and professional life in a way which makes them more confident and effective. It can be a powerful and cost-effective tool on its own or as part of a wider management development programme.

A PICD mentor will be totally committed to the mentee’s personal and professional development and will support that with:

Extensive commercial and industrial experience
A background in counselling and development
A direct, challenging but supportive style
Absolute confidentiality

A typical executive mentoring programme comprises twelve 3-4 hour sessions over a period of 6-12 months, with unlimited telephone support. Individual sessions are arranged to meet the mentee's schedule and may include evenings and weekends.

Outplacement counselling

In today's market-driven business environment, the structure of a company often needs to respond far more quickly than history would predict or natural evolution provide. The ability of your human resource asset to adapt to these changes is a constant challenge. Very often, 'able' people who have successfully delivered to the businesses needs to date, cannot deliver within the new structure or learn new skillsets quickly enough.

Outplacement is a support service for individuals who no longer 'fit' in an organisation due to a change of structure. It is designed to achieve a positive outcome for the individuals leaving the company. As well as providing one-to-one support, we work with groups of people affected by closure, run-down or restructuring. The latter typically takes the form of a Careers Centre set up on site providing access to counselling, CV preparation, access to the internet and other forms of media job hunting.

Outplacement provides significant benefits for all parties:

Leavers take away with them a more positive view of the company
The survivors have less fear of further change.
The potential on-costs of exiting someone from an organisation are reduced.
The business can more rapidly focus on its new business direction and achieve its goals.
A positive message is given out to customers and suppliers.