Thoughts of a geek

24 July 2009

Microwave mug steamed pudding

Filed under: Recipes — Tags: , , , , — qwandor @ 10:02 pm

Following on from the chocolate mug cake, I wanted to try to make other cakey things similarly. One obvious candidate for adaptation was the microwave steamed pudding which I like to make. With a bit of scaling and changing a few ingredients, I managed to make a microwave mug steamed pudding. Again, it is quick and easy to make with a minimum of dishes, and just a single serving, so you can make it for yourself without having a whole lot left over.

Have a look at the recipe (Krecipes / PDF), and try it! Please let me know how it works and what you think.


  1. Most people will have difficulty measuring 5/16 of a cup; you might want to convert that into a weight measure.

    Comment by Gael — 25 July 2009 @ 10:13 am

    • Haha, yeah, I guess that is a bit tricky. Rounding to 1/4 cup or 4 tbsp is acceptable. (-:
      It is only there because the original recipe this was based on called for 5/4 cups, which is a more reasonable measure.

      Comment by qwandor — 25 July 2009 @ 11:05 am

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