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Funny limericks

As a multimedia artist one of the areas i like to venture into is poetry and nothing is more fun than to write a limerick. Limericks are not the easiest of poetic forms but the results can be very entertaining. Limerick follow a specific poetic meter which i don’t fully understand but here is what i do understand about the structure of a limerick

Line 1 – nine syllables (a)
Line 2 – nine syllables (a)
Line 3 – six syllables (b)
Line 4 – six syllables (b)
Line 5 – nine syllables (a)

The (a) and (b) suggest rhyme scheme. The first, second and fifth lines rhyme with each other. The third and fourth lines rhyme with each  other. The nature of a limerick is that of humour, often seedy or obscene. Another quality is that they are nonsensical. Edward Lear is/was probably the best known limerick writers

Here are three limericks written by myself and featured on the limerick page of my portfolio.

There is a chicken from Kentucky
The blighter is feeling quite lucky
Avoid the butchers knife
Peck the eyes of his wife
The grateful butcher spares lil’ clucky

The window is clearly quite dirty
The neighbours are getting quite shirty
With my lack of respect
But what do they expect
From a single man just turned thirty

If I had a ten million pound
I think I’d struggle to get around
For windows would shatter
And people would scatter
Buildings would collapse onto the ground

Certainly fun to read.

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