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Comment convertir un film PAL en NTSC

Discussion dans 'HDV, DV, anciens formats sur cassette' créé par Zamarza, 31 Janvier 2002.

  1. Zamarza

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    Re bonjour,
    ce second post pour demander si quelqu'un connait une methode logicielle pour convertir des films au format PAL Europe en NTSC.

    Nos films sont generes a partir d'un camescope numerique PAL, de premiere et de Tsunami.

    Nous habitons pour l'instant aux USA et nous souhaiterions convertir un certain nombre de SVCD au format NTSC pour qu'ils soient lisibles sur des platines NTSC.

    Nous cherchons le convertisseur logiciel qui pourrait nous aider.

    Merci pour vos reponses
  2. focekifo

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  3. Gérard_M

    Gérard_M Modérateur
    Modérateur So

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    oui bien sur

    encore et toujours CANOPUS voir

    pour 400$, une version de Démo existe :
    Convert between NTSC and PAL in pure DV! The Canopus DV Format Converter will take your DV clips* and convert them between NTSC and PAL without leaving DV. Using our proprietary interpolation algorithm to retain smooth movement, the DV Format Converter gives you the flexibility to use and deliver DV content in NTSC or PAL without using traditional analog conversion devices.

    *The DV Format Converter only supports the Canopus CDVC DV Format (same CODEC as DVRex-M1 and DVRaptor). However, it does not require a DVRex M1 or DVRaptor to use it. DVFC supports only one stereo audio stream and one video stream within a file.

    Download a Demo versionNote: In demo mode, "Canopus DV Format Converter" will appear on the converted images like they are above. After purchasing the DV Format Converter from a Canopus Reseller you will obtain the key module which will eliminate the Canopus watermark.

    Note: DV Format Converter requires Windows 98 or NT 4.0 (it won't work on Windows 95).

    DV Format Convertor Specifications:(Note: Images have resized to properly represent what the TV image would look like.)

    NTSC to PAL 720x480 29.97 fps to 720x576 25.0 fps
    Original NTSC frame
    Scale Up (maintain aspect ratio)
    PAL Frame - Scale Up
    Letter Box (changes aspect ratio)
    PAL Frame - Letter Box

    PAL to NTSC 720x576 25.0 fps to 720x480 29.97 fps

    Original PAL Frame
    Note: The weird lines shown here are due to aliasing because the image has been resized. These lines are not present in the original frame.

    Scale Down(maintain aspect ratio)

    NTSC Frame - Scale Down

    Crop(changes aspect ratio)

    NTSC Frame - Crop

    DV Format Converter Frequently Asked QuestionsQ: I converted a clip and when I play it back it looks like garbage or tells me "This AVI file type is not supported."

    A: When using the DVRex-M1 or DVRaptor, the appropriate video format, NTSC or PAL, needs to be selected in the Properties of the DVRex-M1 or DVRaptor. Playing a PAL clip while in NTSC mode (and vice versa) will yield incorrect results. A PAL clip cannot be loaded into Rex Edit while in NTSC mode, and an NTSC clip cannot be loaded into Rex Edit while in PAL mode.

    Released 10/15/2001
    Size 1,334,784 bytes

    This new version includes improved support for files created by Canopus DV File Converter. Supports Windows 2000, NT and Windows 98.


    Download DV Format Converter.
    Double-click on the file download to run the WinZip Self-Extractor.
    Click on Unzip and the files will be copied to the specified folder and the setup will run automatically.
    Follow the prompts during the setup.

    The DV Format Converter will run in demo mode with a watermark unless you have the dongle (which you get when you purchase the full version). When the dongle is installed, the DV Format Converter will run in full retail mode without the watermark.

    Go to the top of this page.
    ©2001 Canopus Corporation
    711 Charcot Ave. San Jose, CA 95131

  4. Zamarza

    Points Repaire:
    1 000
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    Merci a vous deux


    merci a vos deux reponses.
    Pour Focekifo, je suis alle voir le site. Interessante comme methode. Je vais essaye meme si cela ne parait pas simple.

    Pour G_Maurice, je m'en vais de ce pas telecharger la version de demo pour voir.

    Je vous dirai quelle methode j'ai employe finalement.

    Merci encore pour vos conseils

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