Frequently Asked Questions

Q. For a comssioned film, how soon can we expect delivery?

A. The typical completion time after principle photography is 2 - 3 weeks, although our fastest turnaround, to date, was start to finish in 4 days.

Q. We want a film that is complex and shows many different situations. Can you do that?

A. We can make your film as simple or as complex as you wish. More in depth
films have included actors simulating getting chemical spilt on themselves, getting legs crushed, heart attacks, burning buildings and the effects of food poisoning.

Q. What if something on our site changes a couple of weeks after we've received our film?

A. Revisions are not a problem in that we use digital non linear editing and can call up a film 3 days, 3 months or 3 years later to make changes.
A typical situation is where a site has changed from manned reception to card entry.
On average, we revise films every 2 - 3 years and a revision budget is typically one fifth of a commissioned film origination budget. If you are on a Service Level Agreement the revision cost is included.

Q. When can we start?

A. Right now with a briefing and site tour. We can commence pre-production as soon as we have a purchase order.