Simply Reading: Between a Rock and a Hot Place

For any woman who has found themselves driving with all the windows down when it’s 20 degrees and snowing outside, or spending an extra 10 minutes every morning plucking out gray hairs, or writing out their last will and testament while awaiting the results of their mammogram – you’ve got a kindred spirit in Tracey Jackson.  Her new book of essays Between a Rock and  a Hot Place (subtitled Why Fifty is Not the New Thirty)  is written for and about women like us – facing fifty with a combination of  resignation,  trepidation, and downright terror.

Having recently listened to the Nora Ephron reading her latest (audio) book of a similar genre (I Remember Nothing– my only complaint which was that it was too short), I was ready for another helping of that style wit and humor.  Tracey Jackson, also a screenwriter from New York, serves up a perfect portion.

Humor aside, Jackson isn’t afraid to tell real truths about middle age.  We all have a plan for the first part of our lives, she says.  We’re going to school, train for a career, maybe get married or have a long term relationship, have kids, get a nice house, travel.  But what about the second half of life?  There isn’t a socially accepted plan of action for the 50+ woman.  So what do we do?

Make a plan, already!

If you’re anywhere near the magic 5-0, I’d plan to read Tracey Jackson’s book.  You’ll laugh for sure, maybe cry a tear or two, and definitely feel better about your life.

Read a sample chapter here  : I’m Thirty, Why Do I Need a Colonoscopy

Visit Tracey’s blog

8 thoughts on “Simply Reading: Between a Rock and a Hot Place

  1. Pingback: Spotlight on the Wordpress Book Bloggers! « Randomize ME

  2. You should worry, I’m sixty plus and would love the time to make a new plan and stick to it. At least you have another ten years to get your act together:) I’ll look this book out and the Ephron. I’ve loved her earlier stuff.

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