Monday 11 April 2011

Delta Yankee 6 Have Gone Bananas! By Benny Gamsu

Food has once again been a theme of the project since the last time Delta Yankee 6 wrote. We’ve had a traditional Bri-Bri meal at Anselmo’s house; bananas and plantain aplenty as well as a shopping trip in the community in which we received sweet lemons and yucca we literally pulled out of the ground! Last weekend we headed to Amubri on our day off where our tour took in a Bri-Bri women’s technology centre, a police station and the obligatory pulperia. We’ve been hard at work digging holes for toilets, macheteing in the jungle and getting English grammar lessons in the school.  Our project is now to prepare the area for the water supply system, which will aid the functioning of the school and enable the health clinic to open permanently. For this we’ve been playing human camel, carrying heavy rucksacks full of sand from the river to the site. We’ve also been enjoying some home improvement and much anticipated banoffee pie and getting to know Larry, the latest edition to the group. As well as pressing on with the work we’re looking forward to a community activity day – chocolate making at a local festival.
Welcoming Larry and Fieldbase to Hotel Talamanca!


  1. Gemma Hall- Alpaha Yankee 3

    My happy birthday message didn't seem to get posted on the blog for some reason. Don't worry I wasn't being a douche! I hope you got my card too!

    Can't wait too see you and if you want to give me a call before you come home.

    Love you lots

    Tom xxxxx

  2. Jessy Boon Cowler, Delta Yankee 6
    Hey Jess, good to see a welcome blog update, shame there's no photos though. Sounds like really hard work, but a wonderful experience. I hope you can get a swift Mohito in before you come home as you all deserve it. Not a lot to report, things are pretty much the same as when you left - except you I should think... Really looking forward to seeing you, I'll try not to wheedle everything out of you as soon as you arrive, you'll probably be really tired. Perhaps we can arrange an Audience with The Bee for everyone so you can tell it all in one fell swoop. Love you lots, take care of yourself sweeb. Mum xxx

  3. to alette jansen alpha 5

    lieverd!! precies een week tot je thuiskomt. zo veel zin om je verhalen te horen!!! Ik mis onze filmavondjes, het joggen, koekjes en taarten maken, uitstapjes naar de albert cuyp, alles!! hoop dat het nog steeds goed gaat daar, sprak je moeder laatst en die zei dat je het echt heel bijzonder vond.. echt super voor je! en als je straks thuis komt hoef je lekker paar maandjes niks te doen dus kunnen we heerlijk samen chillen! Over één weekje al, ik kan niet wachten! hasta pronto, muchos besos.. xxxx linde

  4. To Julian Krantz
    Delta Yankee 6

    Hallo Julian,

    nur noch ein paar Tage! Ich kann es kaum erwarten!
    Ihr habt ja wieder viel Aufregendes erlebt und müßt aber auch hart arbeiten. Hoffentlich schmerzt dir der Rücken nicht zu sehr bei der Schlepperei. Wir sind so gespannt auf deinen Bericht und die Fotos!
    Ich habe noch eine gute Nachricht für dich: du hast auch noch ein Offer von McGill!
    Wir freuen uns sehr, wenn wir dich nächste Woche endlich wieder hoffentlich gesund und munter bei uns haben können. Pass auf dich auf!

  5. Jasmine Henry Delta Yankee 5

    Hope you manage to get this today and that you have a great day, yet another one on the other side of the world!!
    I'm going back home today, can't wait. Give me a call if you can once you finish, back with your old number again as i finally have a phone. Off to portugal on friday eve though.
    Lots of love from Rosie xxxx

  6. Alpha Yankee 3, Caroline Murray.

    hello, Iv been waiting for an update on your group, as it said there was one coming up, so thought i would wait to write to you until it did. But as of yet nothing has happened, all good i know you'll be loving it right now. You have a message on facebook when you get back to field base i cant help myself. Its so boring after work, not really been out for a few days so back to the normal routine haha. It's quite busy at the moment at work, but guess what i don't care as it's only 4 days until i have four days off and more importantly 6 until you return. Iv said this in every blog but i am insanely excited to see you. Cant believe it's finally come around, feels like a long time but when I look back it's not been that bad at all. Stay out there if you fancy it haha, joke of course, get you little bum back on english soil. Tubes and sophie still might be coming there debating it, so you'll have to have a word when you get back. Judith met him the other day actually in the shop haha . tubby booby!!!!! Think your back at field base this friday right ( not that you can tell me), so i should get to speak then and find out info, like exact time your flight gets in and the number. Save that tho, just phone because i havn't spoke in two weeks and i want to know whats been happening your end. Enjoy your last few days my dear and get some last minute tanning on the go, not that there is much point when you get back here and realise it's gone and im browner haha :). love you lots all the very best xxxxxxxxxxxxx sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Ow dear, I shouldn't be telling you this, as it gives you amo, but iv just got that bloody word verification thing wrong three times haha. It tricks you and plays mind games, written all wonky and hides letters. Unbelievable!! love you xxxxxxxxxxx

  7. para: delta yankee 2 /yendry castro
    de: má ♥
    hola!!!!! ayer fue el matri de don gus, estuvo precioso!!!!! q cómo me vestí???jajaja/8 x supuesto q "veri gud" jijiji!! Hubiera deseado q estuvieras aquí :(.... pero bueno la próxima.

    espero q se hayan encontrado otrs pulperías en el camino, para poder darse algunos antojillos. La foto del momotombo, simplemente bellísima.
    Quería ponerla en facebook , pero no se cómo, q yo!! digo q madre!!jajaja!!!
    te amo!! te amo!!! y te amo!!!!!!

    Se q ya quedan pocos días, así q a ponerle ganas y mil saludos a todos sus compañer@s de aventura.Estoy segura q esto es inolvidable.
    El lunes 18 es pesaj, Dios quiera q puedas ir con nosotros a la festividad, aunque después continue con su añotravelezco!!!!!jaja! .
    chao!!!!! y mil besos mi preciosa hija♥♥♥♥
    p.s: of course!!...saludos de parte de su pá y de mami q siempre me dice .."y yendrita, ya le escribió, ya la pudo ver por internet, ay mi chiquita, se estará cuidando???; ojala q si xq mire mamita, despues es la risa llorada".
    Bueno ya hasta alñ puede oir verdad? jaja
    nuevamente chao y te amo♥♥♥

  8. For Abigail Tyer Delta Yankee 6
    Hi Abi
    Just read the latest blog and looking forward to hearing from you this wk end. Emily and Larry have arr safely, just heard form them. Been to pick up Immy, Jess and a car load of noisy girls from lacrosse camp exhausting! Forgot to tell u Milton cut his pad - by his dew claw. Nearly came off, but been stiched on so now in bandage and on the lead.....behaving like a man!! At least it stops him running away. Spk soon love Mum xxxxxx

  9. Message for Samantha Tate, Delta Yankee 6
    Good to see another photo of you with your group, everyone smiling and looking very healthy so hopefully, apart from a little bit of junk deprivation, all should be well with you. Well I have just gone on the UCAS site and confirmed your Uni place - not sure what happens next. I assume you can get to an internet cafe and sort things out from here, or email me with further instructions. I haven't done anything about accommodation yet but will do that next week.
    I am working the next 2 days then off to London with Sarah so I have very little time until next week. It was Poppy's 98th birthday yesterday - Dad sent some flowers/chocolates, saw a photo of him and he still looks great, hopefully he'll make 100. Jamie's birthday yesterday all up at the Kearns' for BBQ, even though weather gone really cold again after 23c on Sunday, tropical. As I'll be in London on Saturday I wont be able to speak to you if you call, Dad and Olivia will be here so you can let him know what's what. Not long until you say goodbye to age 18 - all the relo's said they would give you money for your birthday and you can treat yourself South American style! Hopefully you will be able to call us next week. Tell Nicola I will call her parents next week when I get back. Lots of love Mum.

  10. For Samantha Tate - Delta Yankee 6

    sorry i have took forever to send a message, i did send one a few days ago but it didn't send for some reason!
    Hope your still having/have had a amazing time! it doesn't seem like you have been away for 10 weeks already its weird!
    Its our Easter holidays at the moment, but im doing NOTHING because im just revising. Im so so so so bored i would rather watch paint dry, but the weather has been nice so its not too bad.
    Going to London Friday yayyyyyyyy excited!
    Well enjoy the time you have left and im sure we will speak to you after but have fun going travelling or doing what your doing!
    speak soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon :D

  11. For Charlotte Stephen - Delta 6

    Hi W!
    Sounds like you're having loads of fun out there. Very impressed (but not surprised) to hear you've been marching at the front and enjoying getting stuck in and muddy. Very impressed with the tanning as well! I picked up a few freckles from skiing, but no tan obviously!
    Sleeping on the floor and trekking all sounds very different from Sauveterre, I bet you're really looking forward to that - will be loads of fun!

    We were really lucky in the mountains, had quite a lot of fresh snow (having expected nothing at all!) and had a quite a lot of sunny blue skies as well. We also took a plunge into an icy lake on the last day which I'm sure you would have enjoyed!

    Down in Glos at the moment, home alone, doing (or trying to do) some revision for exams at the end of the month. Man U beat Chelsea in the quarter finals of the Champions League last night which was, obviously, AMAZING. Wazza and Giggsy on top form. Sarah was down here last week too, we had a tense afternoon watching the Grand National - I picked the second place horse and she had the winner so the home straight involved a lot of screaming at the TV!! Went for a long walk and she bought lunch at the Woolpack with the proceeds.

    Anyway, less than a week till you're back now! Very excited to see you.
    Enjoy the last few days.
    Un gran abrazo.

  12. For Charlotte Stephen - Delta 6

    Hi W!
    Sounds like you're having loads of fun out there. Very impressed (but not surprised) to hear you've been marching at the front and enjoying getting stuck in and muddy. Very impressed with the tanning as well! I picked up a few freckles from skiing, but no tan obviously!
    Sleeping on the floor and trekking all sounds very different from Sauveterre, I bet you're really looking forward to that - will be loads of fun!

    We were really lucky in the mountains, had quite a lot of fresh snow (having expected nothing at all!) and had a quite a lot of sunny blue skies as well. We also took a plunge into an icy lake on the last day which I'm sure you would have enjoyed!

    Down in Glos at the moment, home alone, doing (or trying to do) some revision for exams at the end of the month. Man U beat Chelsea in the quarter finals of the Champions League last night which was, obviously, AMAZING. Wazza and Giggsy on top form. Sarah was down here last week too, we had a tense afternoon watching the Grand National - I picked the second place horse and she had the winner so the home straight involved a lot of screaming at the TV!! Went for a long walk and she bought lunch at the Woolpack with the proceeds.

    Anyway, less than a week till you're back now! Very excited to see you.
    Enjoy the last few days.
    Un gran abrazo.

  13. Hallo Bobbie alias Jess Henderson Delta Yankee 6
    I always like your choice of this as a nickname, even though it didnt last long, and I think you were 9! I can't see my last message anywhere (but it is a bit confusing, specially as I forget where/when I added it!)so don't know if it reached you. You look very well & happy - I am looking forward to seeing LOTS more photos, and hearing all about it when you finally get home later in May. Plus hear how we should really worship chocolate! Am waiting in for phone chat with Anna, with quick forays into garden to check on 'my' babies - I reckon about 200 are squiggling!Parents drop by now and then, but only to sunbathe - no interest in the pollywogs. lots of love gorgeous one XXX mama

  14. Kirsty, Dad and boys13 April 2011 at 06:41

    Jessy B - Delta Yankee 6

    Hello there! You sound hard at work, hope you get to relax at some point....
    We're all fine this end - boys have broken up for Easter holiday - they get from 8th April-3rd May off, which is all engineereed by teachers, running together a number of insed days so they get an extra week off!! Alright for them, not so much fun for working parents....!!
    Can't believe you're back next week - it's gone quickly for me but then nowt changes here so the weeks pass unknowingly - you, on the other hand, have packed so much in- can't wait to hear about all the adventures.
    We took boys over to Streatham common for a change, up to the Rookery, on Sunday and by sheer chance it turned out to be Kite Day. I've never seen so many hundreds of different and beautifully coloured kites, was quite surreal. They had whole pigs spit-roasting, beer tent, bouncy castle and all sorts. Needless to say a fun time was had by all.... Has been splendid sunny weather but temperature has now dropped again - hope it warms up for your return to lessen the shock to your system.
    Well, dear Jessy, not long now - make the most of your time left and enjoy every second.
    Looking forward to seeing you (and your tan!!)
    Love from us all xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  15. Jessy BC Delta Yankee 6
    Hi Jess. Woke up from a dream about you this morning! We were at a railway station - but you're doing a dugout boat, coach and plane aren't you? It was great to see the photo's and you're looking tanned and fit I'm glad to see. Steve and Ben are back from Australia so we might see them once you're home. I hope you have a wonderful last few days, looking forward to seeing you presh. All my love, Mum. xxx

  16. jane hedges, Elizabeth's Mum16 April 2011 at 03:28

    For Elizabeth Hedges Delta Yankee 6
    Dad and I are back from sunny spain to find the garden is a jungle of apple blossom, forget me nots and dandelions. We had a really good relaxing time with Clare and Sandy and the weather was gorgeous. Now the weekend stretches ahead with gardening to the fore! Pond still only 14degrees, disappointing as we were enjoying swimming in the pool in spain so much. see you very soon now, we will meet you at the airport on 3rd May, continental airlines 10.15am.

    Loads of love

    Mum xxxxxx

  17. Benny, it's great to see the photos of you and the rest of the Delta Yankee 6 crew. It looks like it is living up to and perhaps exceeding your expectations. Esther and Rosa have just gone back to school today after a very relaxing Easter break. Mandy and Simon (AKA your mum and dad) were around for a glass of wine over the weekend and they provided us with a brief update on how the trip was going. Like them, we are very much looking forward to hearing it from the horse's mouth. Enjoy the rest of the trip.


  18. Benny Gamsu - Delta Yankee 6

    Hi Benny, great to see your photographs and to c atch up with your news. It looks like you are having a great time. Mandy and Simon (AKA your mum an dad) came round over the weekend and provides us with an update on youor movements. Deborah, Esther, and Rosa are looking forward to hearing all your tales on your return.

    Brian Tweedale



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