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RIP Dash Snow – SACE

Just over one year ago Dash Snow called his girlfriend he said “Goodbye. I love you. I’ll see you in another world”..He was in a New York hotel.By the time she got there he was dead in the bathtub.He died of a Heroin Overdose.

Dash never connected with this parents when he was young so at 15 after spending two years in juvenile detention he ran away from home to live on the streets.He started taking photographs as he got so wasted he wouldn’t remember where he was the night before.He started writing graffiti as ‘Sace’.His family were very wealthy of the De Menille’s (very rich and considered royalty in the art world)But his grandmother was quite rebelious and encouraged him to be a free spirit so his mother got an order against her so Dash couldn’t see her until he was 18. At the age of 18, Snow married Corsican-born artist Agathe Snow.His grandmother fueled his lavish and drug fuelled lifestyle the party never ended for Dash.

It was around this time he met Earsnot(another NY graffiti writer) they became close friends and founded the crew IRAK(IRAK – I steal)

IRAK consisted of some of the worldest most influential graffiti writers.People like Nekst,Adek,Screw and Espo are members.Look closelyThis is one of the most infamous pieces of graffiti in history its on the Brooklyn Bridge Dash climbed out on to a tiny ledge to do it and he could have easily fallen hundreds of feet to his death. After doing this he became the top of the New York Vandal Squad list(a taskforce specifically assigned to find high profile graffiti writers)

” He was the wildest kid I’ve ever known. He would tag everything and be running up on rooftops and climbing fire escapes. I remember when I first met him, he had just done a fill-in on the side of the Brooklyn Bridge. It was insane. He climbed out on a tiny ledge on the outside of the bridge and did a huge “Sace.” ” Ryan Mc Ginley

He and Earsnot also loved to tag bums. They would give a bum $20 to let them tag all over his clothes. Bums never change their clothes, so the tags would never get buffed out like on a door or grate. And they just wander the streets. It was amazing advertising and such a genius idea that it still makes me crack up when I think about it.(Ryan Mc Ginley)

As he got older he roamed the streets as a wild rebellious young man tagging New York with his infamous tag “Sace” he was considered a New York King in the graffiti scene.Risking his life night after night hanging off buildings just to get that highspot.

He would be sitting there smoking cigarettes, writing his tag in the air without being aware of it. I would just smile and watch the smoke twirl into the letters S A C E. That’s how I’ll always remember him.(Ryan Mc Ginley)

Dash’s favourite quote was “moments like these never last” he got it tattoed on his chest.Dash preparing for the Hamster Party ( what is a hamster party)

Dash drifted away from the graffiti scene and began to concentrate on his polariod pictures and artwork(allthough he refused to consider himself an artist for a long time)Earsnot tagging while his leg was broken.After the Twin Towers attacksHe used his own semen to stick his collages togetherDash with his daugther Secret and Jade

There is no doubt Dash/Sace was one of the most influential people of our time his wild and live forever attitude inspired thousands of people across the globe. He was labeled by The New York Times as one of ‘Warhols Children’ .  I hope a book/movie is made of his lifestory.

Tributes by writers and artists:


Noh J Coley

OsGemeosUnknownVizietropical fantasy was one of his side words i always loved. i did this on a new hotel on the bowery as a poke at the hotel itself and at the same time a tribute to dash.



Dash Snow (July 27, 1981 – July 13, 2009)

Note: If you see any mistakes/false info mail me dont bitch.

I only wanted to post his photos I didn’t intend on adding any text this was just ment to be a short version of his life.
If you’s want to look into it further:

  1. July 25, 2010 at 9:19 PM

    RIP, the kid was a monster. Heart goes out to the family.
    Nice article

  2. RUSH.T.
    July 30, 2010 at 2:32 AM

    R.I.P Dash Snow.

  3. rone 84
    July 30, 2010 at 7:23 PM

    respect and tex for the show

  4. rone 84
    July 30, 2010 at 7:24 PM


  5. havana
    July 30, 2010 at 11:05 PM

    the unknown piece is by setup/kcw – RIP Sace

  6. John H
    July 31, 2010 at 8:24 AM

    I remember seeing a fresh dub by Sace in Camden, London.
    RIP Sace

  7. August 1, 2010 at 4:04 PM

    the unknown tribute is by Seedr BTM

  8. Msales91
    November 6, 2010 at 3:25 PM

    Damn SACE lived one hell of a life. May he rest in peace

  9. Frank Johnson
    January 12, 2011 at 8:58 PM

    The sprayed Sacer on the building is by Glacer and the times square piece is by Setup and Year. All members of Irak Crew.

  1. July 31, 2010 at 2:26 AM
  2. July 31, 2010 at 9:20 AM
  3. September 8, 2010 at 10:02 AM

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