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Death Row: Last Words

Ever think what your last words would be before you got executed?Your last words are considered your lifes legacy.Here are a few from inmates executed in the US.

“Somebody needs to kill my trial attorney.”
— George Harris, executed in Missouri on September 13, 2000

“See you all on the other side. Warden, murder me … I’m ready to roll. Time to get this party started.”
— James Jackson, executed in Texas on February 7, 2007

“I am innocent, but was not given the tools at trial, or on appeal, to make my innocence into a legal reality.”
— Stephen K. Johns, executed in Missouri on October 24, 2001

“Redskins are going to the Super Bowl.”— Bobby Ramdass, executed in Virginia on October 10, 2000

“To all of the racist white folks in America that hate black folks and to all of the black folks in America that hate themselves: the infamous words of my famous legendary brother, Matt Turner, ‘Y’all kiss my black ass.’ Let’s do it.”
– Brian Roberson, executed in Texas on August 9, 2000
“A few hours ago, Wayne Snow said I had no redeeming qualities. The only thing I’ve got to say to Wayne Snow is kiss my ass. Bye.”
— William Mitchell, executed in Georgia on September 1, 1987

“I lived as if I were going to be executed. That left me well-prepared. I took four people’s lives; I’m man enough to give mine.”
— Earl Richmond, executed in North Carolina on May 6, 2005

Please tell the media, I did not get my Spaghetti-O’s, I got spaghetti. I want the press to know.”
— Thomas Grasso, executed in Oklahoma on March 20, 1995

“You can be a king or a street sweeper, but everybody dances with the Grim Reaper.”
— Robert Alton Harris, executed in California on April 21, 1992

“Keep your heads up and know that I will be in a better place.”
— Mauriceo Brown, executed in Texas, July 19, 2006

“I’ve got one thing to say: Get your warden off this gurney and shut up. I am from the island of Barbados. I am the warden of this unit. People are seeing you do this.”
Monty Delk, executed in Texas on February 28, 2002

Monty Delk was one of death row’s most notorious inmates. Prison officials said that he showered without removing his coveralls or using soap, and that his personal odor was so offensive, he had to be segregated from the other inmates so as to avoid making them ill. In interviews, he claimed to be over 129 years old, having previously been a district judge and a submarine commander. He claimed that in prison, he was the president of Kenya and was also the physician to the other inmates in his unit. He said that he had been killed 150 times while in prison.

“”We all got to go sometime, some sooner than others. I’m going to be busy getting the Browns to the Super Bowl. Working magic.”
— James Filiaggi, executed in Ohio on April 24, 2007

“Father, take me home. I’m gone, baby. I’m ready to go.”
Lonnie Earl Johnson, executed in Texas on July 24, 2007

I want you to know that I did not kill your sister. If you want to know the truth, and you deserve to know the truth, hire your own investigators.”
— Pedro Muniz, executed in Texas on May 19, 1998

“The news reports … will say Jim Johnson is dead. Those reports will be untrue. Today I shall meet Jesus my Lord and Savior face to face. When the executioners have done their worst, God will be shown to have done his best.”
— James Johnson, executed in Missouri on January 9, 2002

“My last words will be, ‘Hoka hey, it’s a good day to die.’ Thank you very much. I love you all. Goodbye.”
Clarence Ray Allen, executed in California on January 17, 2006

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