


After a while living in hotels, I was offered a room in a house, in a small village called Fenouillet. Its a very nice sleepy type of place, the house is owed by Lisa who lives in the house with her daughter Shina and a house rabbit called Babe Lou, both did not speak a lot of English and my French is crap but we would get by, as Sylvie who lived down the road would pop in and mediate at least once a week. Things must have been ok as I stayed for a year, and I am sure I would have been told otherwise. I was very settled and was pleased to have the peace and quiet I need away from work.

Lisa has a lot of mates that just pop in every now and then, it was a total open house and everyone was nice and tried to do anything they could for me, even though I am a pain in the arse! Lisa and mates would invite me out for evenings, the only thing was they would like to go out at 10pm and get back in the early hours at about 7am, not the thing I could keep up with after 6 days work! We did go out for some good nights, they all liked Reggie and here is me Mr Rocker taging along.

One night stands out I think it was Sylvie's 50th, that was an all nighter, after drinking beer and Champers all night I was thinking about 5am it was time to go home, as one would! I got back as Sylvie’s house is only down the road, I got into bed and had just had my last cig of the night, when I hear the door in the hall open. I am thinking its Lisa on her way back, then my door opens and this guy is stood in the door way, he then lays down on my bed! At this point I am going mental teaching him some new English words are worse than what I give taxi drivers. He just lays there smiling at me, so I took his throat out, dragged him down the hall on his hands and knees, and lob him out the door giving him a kick on the way.

Here I am stood in the door way in my undies and socks with a sore foot as I did not have my shoes on when I kicked him, with this guy chocking on the floor, as I say I had been drinking but the next thing I know is this other guy then appears, giving me hell in French! I did tell him a few times in French that I did not understand and I was English, but he just carried on, after a short while I got fed up with his and hit him right between the eyes. he stagged backwards with a silly grin on his face, how he did not go down I dont know! I also had another problem because as I hit him my wrist exploded with pain, in fact I had to have it strapped up for several weeks! At this point Shinas guy came out and broke things up, so it was all over which was a good job as I would not have been able to hit him again with my right hand the way it was.

It turned out they where mates of one of the guys in the street who got lost, I dont think they will make that mistake again!

Everyone tried to help me as much as they could, and at one point my Ex came over with my Grandaughter, everyone pulled together and were brill. I will have to at some point pop over and see them all again or maybe they will visit my home in Bulgaria

I would like to say a big thank you to them all, Lisa, Syilve, Jorge, Shina, Juilian, Eric, Fanta and Everlin and everyone else, because I would be writing this list out all night


Meet The Peeps

Babe Lou who loved eating wallpaper, and  Jorge wanted to eat her

Jorge the Portugese Builder

Left to right Lisa, Sylvie, Me, Jess & Ann

                      Video of Jorge, Sylvie and Lisa

Lisa's pride and joy, her garden  or should I say Jarden













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