Hidden Anger Cannot Hide

Sometimes I meet people who make me angry for no apparent reason. I find aggression rising up in me and a desire to instigate conflict.

Upon closer inspection, I find that the people who evoke this in me are people who suppress their own anger. Their refusal to express anger invites me to express it for them. Push down one side of the seesaw and the other pops up – simultaneously and adjacently.

Often they are spiritual types who believe that a spiritual person has only love and kindness and joy. Dark emotions are rejected. But life is always wholly manifest. You cannot make some of it go away. You cannot take the black out of the yin/yang symbol. Take some of the whole from the whole and only the whole remains.

This is the curious act of transformation – owning your disowned selves. Seeing how you are expressed in your environment and as your environment. It is the ultimate equaliser.

On the level of attributes, it is seeing your personal attributes in all beings and vice versa.

On a transcendental level, it is different. Unity is apperceived in terms of pure awareness rather than attributes.

“He whose self is established in Yoga, whose vision everywhere is even, sees the Self in all beings, and all beings in the Self.” Bhagavad Gita 6.29

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