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    What's the correct way to render a ListGrid field as a link with a click handler?

    I have a ListGrid where one of the fields needs to appear as an anchor, but when clicked, needs to not perform the default anchor click action, and instead call a click handler.

    I'm trying to use ListGrid.createRecordComponent to build the link, but not sure what kind of component to use (if in fact I should even use this approach). Setting the DataSourceField FieldType to link doesn't work because there's no way to override the default link action.

    Any ideas?

    According to the FAQ, this is not the right solution, but in my ListGrid.createRecordComponent, I was able to do this by creating a, and adding that to a com.smartgwt.client.widgets.WidgetCanvas and returning the WidgetCanvas (making sure to set the WidgetCanvas height smaller than default).

    There must be a better way, but I'm not sure what it is.



      You should be able to use type 'link'. See the docs on setTarget() to avoid the default action and then add a click handler.


        Thanks David,

        I can set the DataSource type to FieldType.LINK, but Neither DataSource (nor DataSourceLinkField) have the setTarget() method. there's a setTarget() on LinkItem.

        So, in ListGrid.createRecordComponent I created a DynamicForm and LinkItem, put the LinkItem on the form, and returned the form (after calling LinkItem.setTarget("javascript"); and adding the click handler.

        Needless to say, the HTML is much deeper than the WidgetCanvas containing the Anchor :( Both work, but this method follows the recommendations in the FAQ.

        I wish there was just a simple Anchor subclass of Canvas


          You are correct on the DataSourceLinkField. However, from the Yahoo! Web Service example you can set the target via setAttribute:
          DataSourceLinkField fullImage = new DataSourceLinkField("link", "Full Image");  
                  fullImage.setAttribute("target", "_blank");
          Just use "javascript" instead of "_blank".

          Then you should be able to just register a click handler for the cell to do what you want.


            Ah yeah, cool! Thanks :)

