August 17th, 2011 – Chihuly Seaform Ceiling

The Tacoma Glass Museum has a very interesting installation of glass art by Dale Chihuly. Built on the site of an old Union Pacific Railway station, part of the Museum includes a bridge that spans the railroad tracks leading to and  from several museum exhibition halls.  A portion of the bridge is called the Seaform Pavillion  that includes a 50′ x 25′  plate glass ceiling containing Chihuly’s Seaform and Persian glass art pieces.

View of  a the Chihuly Bridge of Glass at the Museum of Glass.  Tacoma, Washington

Pentax K-7, SMC FA 43mm Ltd./f1.8,  f/11, ISO 100, Aperture Priority  Mode.   Hand-held. 3 Exposure HDR.  Post processing – Lightroom 3, Photomatix 4, Photoshop CS5. Topaz Adjust.

To see a larger versions  please click on the image.
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