The Surfboard


The surfboard is the essential piece of surfing equipment. Without it, you ain't surfin'. The modern surfboard has come a long way in design and construction since the Hawaiians started surfing on wooden planks. The modern surfboard is light and strong, handmade by professional shapers out of foam and finished with a fibreglass coat. But it's not a static art; the cutting edge of surfboard design changes as quickly as a cold surfer does on a windy day. Let's have a look at what the different bits of the surfboard are called so that you can sound knowledgeable when talking your mum into buying you a nice new board.

Surfboard Bits and Pieces

The picture below shows the different parts of the surfboard and what they are called. The images are of a standard surfboard, but the naming of the different parts applies to every type of board — whether your board is a shortboard, funboard, longboard, gun or fish. (See surfboard types for more info on these boards.) First, the top view:

View of Surfboard Parts From Above

The first thing to note is that the nose of the board is the bit that faces forward. The surfboard sits in the water deck-side up as you have probably already figured out by looking at the surfing lessons and seeing surfing pictures or watching surf videos.

The deck is the top side of the surfboard and is where the surfer stands to surf and lays to paddle. Wax is applied to this top surface for grip. Often surfers will use a traction pad for extra grip. If you look at the deck of a surfboard, you'll usually see a slight camber from the rail to the middle then back to the rail. This is know as a domed deck and helps promote easy rail-to-rail movements. The other type of deck is the flat deck — no prizes for guessing what this type looks like.

The nose of the surfboard sits out of the water. On shortboards, guns, and fish, the nose is normally pointed, and on funboards / minimals and longboards, the nose is usually rounded. However, this is by no means set in stone. Some surfers use a surfboard nose guard which can protect the surfboard from dings and also protect the surfer from a good poke from a disgruntled board!

The tail is at the back of the board. There are quite a few different tail shapes, and each shape provides different board performance. Check out surfboard tail shapes for more details. As pointed out in the above diagram, the tail will have a leash plug. The plug is where the leash is attached to the surfboard. The plug is set into the deck and the leash is looped through. Take a look at our handy guide that demonstrates how to attach a surfboard leash.

The rails are the "edge" of the surfboard. They run from the tail to the nose and are where the deck and the bottom meet. Like tail shapes, different rail shapes provide different surfboard performance. It may not be something you have thought about, but take a look at the different shapes next time you are in a surf shop. Why not find out more about surfboard rail shapes?

The stringer is a strip of strengthening material (typically wood) that runs the whole length of a foam surfboard. It's already present in the surfboard blank before it is shaped. Epoxy, soft, and carbon fibre (space age, eh!) surfboards will not often have stringers.

Now you know all about the top side of a surfboard, let's get on with the underside of the surfboard. Also have a look at the different types of surfboards.


  • Guest
    on Apr 19, 2011

    im making a surfboard for my sicence project

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Apr 19, 2011

    I hope you have found the information here useful. Are you actually shaping a full size surfboard?

  • Guest
    on May 17, 2011


  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on May 31, 2011

    that's great, I hope everything goes well for you.

  • Lakdwesee
    on Aug 2, 2011

    Leichter auf den Wendungen!

  • bemily
    on Aug 5, 2011

    what is the length and width of a longborad need to know for an assignment

  • Guest
    on Oct 19, 2011

    I worship this website! It is such a great help for my school project- thnx so much!

  • Guest
    on Nov 25, 2011

    I have a 11 year old who had a softboard for a few weeks last summer, it was used and broke after a few tries...He know is asking for one for christmas. Can you recommend a Board? we are from south jersey with lots of surf shops near by!

  • Guest
    on Dec 13, 2011

    wicked site, but not much help for assignment.

  • Guest
    on Jan 2, 2012

    Who was this source written by? I am doing a National History Day project on surfing and I need to credit this article. Thanks!

  • Mary
    on Jan 24, 2012

    whats the best shap for beginers??

  • michelle
    on Feb 1, 2012

    i love surfboards

  • michelle
    on Feb 8, 2012

    i just love learning about surfboards

  • on Feb 21, 2012

    how do you make a solid wood long board float? trying to make one at home.

  • Guest
    on Mar 3, 2012


  • KampOrnaree
    on Mar 16, 2012

  • Guest
    on Mar 18, 2012

    I'm doing surfboards for English

  • Guest
    on Oct 7, 2012

    thanks for the info. i am doing surfboards am my transport for inquiry.

  • sharp shooter
    sharp shooter
    on Nov 9, 2012

    im doing surf boards to for writing class

  • Guest
    on Mar 15, 2013

    Thanks for all the facts

  • Guest
    on Jun 3, 2013

    Doing a presentation on surfboard design for my instructors course....awesome info here! Thanks!

  • Guest
    on Sep 5, 2013

    I'm doing a surf board for my science since its easy

  • Guest
    on Oct 14, 2014

    I love this website its AMAZING and it helped me do my surfing homework

  • Krystal
    on Jan 9, 2015

    Designed a Surfboard in GCSE Art, so for so good and this site has giving me the information i needed. Thank you!

  • Katie
    on Apr 28, 2015

    This some awesome tips for new people wanting to learn more about surfingAnd surfboards and some handy tips for surfers already.
    It was great reading this and leaning more

  • Guest
    on May 6, 2015

    how has the surf board changed the world

  • surfer
    on Jun 15, 2015

    thank you very much will use this towards my assignment if u have any other info please share again thanks

  • Jordan Hernandez
    Jordan Hernandez
    on Sep 27, 2015

    How is the side view the same and different from the top view

  • Labann
    on May 7, 2016

    Didn't see anywhere an explanation of buoyancy versus length or width. Short boards don't suit heavy adult riders.

  • Surf dude
    Surf dude
    on Jul 10, 2016

    Love this website

  • Sarah Smith
    Sarah Smith
    on Oct 27, 2016

    I want to start surfing and need to get a board. Thanks for the information about how rails are the edge of the surfboard and that they run from the tail to the nose. Something else to consider is to get a help so that you know all the technical terms for surfing. I would also suggest getting a surfboard that is affordable.

  • Guest
    on Jan 2, 2017

    Very helpful, thanks for publishing! Just wanted to know the author, publication date, and other contributors for my MLA citation. Thanx from the UNBULLIEVABLE FLL robotics squad

  • sea dog
    sea dog
    on Mar 5, 2018

    i have to design a surfboard for dvc but a nz based one so i thought that i should find out some info before i design so what sorta board would u recommend for beginners

  • Pro_Gamer10
    on Mar 31, 2022

    Why is there no section 4 designs and looks for surfboards?

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