International Advisory Panel on Scar Management consisting of leading leading dermatologists and plastic surgeons, led by Thomas A. Mustoe, M.D. (Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Northwestern University School of Medicine) compiled International Clinical Recommendations on Scar Management which provide evidence-based recommendations on prevention and treatment of abnormal scarring and, where studies are insufficient, consensus on best practice.

Some of the recommendations for scar treatment and prevention related to silicone based products like Strataderm include:

Primary role for silicone: “Recommendations support a move to a more evidence-based approach in scar management. This approach highlights a primary role for silicone gel sheeting and intralesional corticosteroids in the management of a wide variety of abnormal scars.”

Effective Treatment: “The efficacy of two scar management techniques, silicone gel sheeting and injected corticosteroids, has been demonstrated in randomized, controlled trials.”

Effective Treatment: “Good evidence of [silicone’s] efficacy and silicone gel sheeting has now become standard care for plastic surgeons.”

Combination Treatment in Keloid prevention: “Surgical excision of hypertrophic scars or keloids is a common management option when used in combination with steroids and/or silicone gel sheeting.”

Safe and Effective: “Results from at least eight randomized, controlled trials and a meta-study of 27 trials demonstrate that silicone gel sheeting is a safe and effective management option for hypertrophic scars and keloids.”

Ideal for Children: “Silicone gel sheeting may be especially useful in children and others who cannot tolerate the pain of other management procedures.”

Scar Prevention: “Silicone gel sheeting, which should be considered as first-line prophylaxis. Use of silicone gel sheeting should begin soon after surgical closure, when the incision has fully epithelialized, and be continued for at least 1 month.”

Linear hypertrophic (surgical/traumatic) scars (red, raised). “Silicone gel sheeting should be used as first-line therapy.”

Widespread burn hypertrophic scars (red/raised). “Widespread burn scars should be treated with first-line therapy of silicone gel sheeting and pressure garments, although there remains limited significant evidence for the efficacy of pressure garments.”

Minor keloids. “The consensus view from the literature and the authors is that first-line therapy for most minor keloids is a combination of silicone gel sheeting and intralesional corticosteroids.”

Source: Plast Reconstr Surg. 2002 Aug;110(2):560-71. International clinical recommendations on scar management, Mustoe TA, Cooter RD, Gold MH, Hobbs FD, Ramelet AA, Shakespeare PG, Stella M, Téot L, Wood FM, Ziegler UE; International Advisory Panel on Scar Management.