Strictly Programming

Installing Wine in Zenwalk and make it look nicer

Posted in Wine, Zenwalk by sqllyw on 05/31/2010

Zenwalk 6.4 and Wine installation

It is very easy to install Wine in Zenwalk 6.4:

1. su root
netpkg wine
this will install the Wine 1.1.44 version into system

2. wine notepad.exe
if you can see the notepad, it works.

3. login as a user
wine notepad.exe
cd .wine
you will see a drive_c/windows, look for Fonts, it is an empty directory

download this file and run it, it will install two fonts files into ‘Fonts’
wine tahoma32.exe
Make sure the font files really got installed into windows/Fonts

3. wine regedit
look for HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Desktop, set fontSmoothing to 1

4. wine notepad.exe
does it look nicer this time?

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