The Band Rules

The General Rules

1. Attendance for band practices is compulsory. A letter of explanation to the teacher-in-charge is required for any absence.
2. Saturday practices start at 8 a.m. sharp! (Unless stated otherwise) Band members must be punctual for every practice/performance. Those who are late will not be excused UNLESS reasonable excuses are given.
3. Every band member must address the present committee members as “Ma’am”. When the members are given any order by any of the committee members, members must respond with “Yes, Ma’am”.
4. Band members must obey the present band committee and section leaders. Band manners and discipline must be observed at all times.
5. Band members must not talk when the conductress/instructor/committee member/teacher is speaking. When practices are on, handphones are strictly not allowed, no reading, no listening to MP3 players/iPod, no talking.
6. Sectionals are compulsory for every band member unless the members have valid reasons or permission to miss the sectionals.
7. Section leaders are responsible for the music and disclipline of their section members. All pieces needed for practices must be ready beforehand or before practice starts. Everyone must have their own copy of the piece in their black file.
8. Every band member must abide by the deadlines given to perfect their piece. Punishment will be given if they fail to do so.
9. Band should be given priority when band members decide to join other clubs. Commitment is COMPULSORY.
10. Each band member is required to look after and take responsibility of the instrument assigned to them. Band members are not allowed to play other’s instruments. Every band member who brings home her instrument must record her name in the Instrument Log Book.
11. Any band member who drops her instrument must report to any band committee immediately.
12. Uniforms must be taken care of properly and returned after a performance according to the deadline. A fine of RM 1 will be imposed daily if band members fail to do so.
13. Dress code: T-shirt with school logo/Band T-shirt, knee-length pants/long pants, sports shoes/school shoes. No casual T-shirts, no shorts above the knee, no jeans, no slippers/flats.
14. All band members (except the drum majorette) are not allowed to wear watches during marching practices.
15. Band members are strictly prohibited from eating in the music room. Those caught will be punished accordingly.
16. The band rules must be displayed on the front page of every band member’s black music file.
17. Always read the notice board!

Dress Code for Practice:

– Band T-shirt / School T-shirt

– Knee-length shorts / long pants (no jeans)

– Shoes (no slippers)

Secretary’s Rules

1. Members who are unable to attend practices must inform their respective section leaders before practice begins.

2. Should a member miss a practice, a letter of explanation must be handed in within the following week.

3. Letter of explanation signed by parents will be accepted for only 3 times. Any letter after that will have to be followed by a call by the parents.

4. Bring your KK card to all practices.

Treasurer’s Rules

– A teacher once told us: To be early is to be punctual. To be punctual is to be late. –

1. Members who are late for practice or a performance will be fined RM 1.00 + 10 push ups UNLESS a reasonable REASON (not excuse) is given.

2. Band members are not allowed to play or experiment with other section’s instrument. 10 push ups will be given if one is caught doing so.

3. If an instrument (belonging to the school) is dropped,

a) drop whole instrument

– Fine RM 5 + 10 push ups

b) drop part of instrument

– Fine RM 2 + 10 push ups

Members must be resposible for any damage inflicted.

4. After any practice or performance, members must keep all stands, instrument and files. If any of those are found lying about, 10 push ups will be given to EVERY member in the section (double for section leaders). Should any stands or instrument be lost, the whole section is responsible to purchase a new one for the band.

Uniform Rules

1. Members are expected to be responsible to take care of their own uniform after distribution.

2. The dateline and time given to return the uniform by the Uniform Mistress must be followed.

3. A fine of RM 1.00 (double for post holders) will be imposed daily if a member returns her uniform late. The fine must be paid at the same time the member returns her uniform (not one with the other).

4. A proper set of uniform includes the blouse, the skirt, the brown ribbon, white gloves (on occasion) and black shoes as well as black socks. This uniform code must be abided.

5. If a member loses the plastic bag that keeps her uniform, the fine is RM 0.50.

6. If a member loses her brown ribbon, the fine is RM 0.50.

7. If a member wears white/sport shoes to a performance, she will be fined RM 5 along with 20 push ups.

8. Uniform are to be ironed before a performance and washed before returning. Remember that band uniform must be hand-washed!

9. A member should ensure that her uniform is complete before a performance so that on performance day, her uniform should be perfect. Any attempts to complete the uniform during performance day such as the purchase of gloves or ribbons from the Uniform Mistress will be charged extra.

10. Members must never put her uniform back into the uniform cupboard by herself.

Marching Rules

1. At the shout of “BAND! FALL IN!” all members must fall in as fast as possible. When the Drum Major stops, those late for fall in will be given 10 push ups as punishmet. Lesson: BE ALERT.

2. When members are on Attention position, no movement of body is allowed except breathing and blinking.

3. Any member found moving during Attention position will be punished.

4. All members, except the Drum Major, are not allowed to wear watches while marching.

Concert Rules

1. No reading or meddling with handphones and MP3 are allowed.

2. When the conductress is standing on the platform, all members ought to stop talking and be alert.

3. Members must keep quiet when the tuning session is on.

4. When asked to go for sectionals, members must practice only the pieces asked to practice. No practicing of other irrelevant pieces is allowed. No fooling around during sectionals is allowed either.




    • 3nD_d@rT
    • April 29th, 2010

    wah! so strict!

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