Epoch Star Cheats

Epoch Star has 7 cheat codes.  These are ship names that result in increased stats for your ship.  Naming your ship one of the names in the list below will give it a corresponding stat bonus also listed below.  Do not include the quotation marks (") when naming your ship.

"Day Dream" - This name will start your ship with 10,000 credits.

"Zippy" - This name will give you a starting crew navigation of +100.

"Scotty" - This name will give your starting crew an engineering bonus of +100.

"Spock" - This name will give your starting crew a science bonus of +100.

"Rick B" - This name will give your starting crew a tactical bonus of +100.

"John B" - This name will give your starting crew a communication bonus of +100.

"George Lucas" - This name will give ALL of your crew stats a bonus of +25.

All of these crew stats improve your ships abilities in some way. 

Navigation increases your ship acceleration, velocity, and turning rate. 

Engineering increases your ship's ability to repair itself while away from a star base.

Science increases your ships battery and shield recharge capabilities.

Tactical increases the damage your ship weapons do in battle.

Communication increases your ability to "haggle" at the star base arms dealer.  This allows you to purchase weapons for more and sell weapons for less.

All of these statistics also make it possible for you to equip more powerful weapons and devices.


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