To the people posting pictures of their marijuana and marijuana paraphernalia on the internet:


Are you high? You do realize that it’s a federal crime to possess that stuff, right? And you wanna post photos to the very public realm that is the internet and be all “Hey, this is totally mine, I’m smoking this right now, like right now, woah, I’m high, this is mine, right now…”? Really?

Look, I’m very much in favor of legalizing all substances. I have nothing against your hobby. However, I do have respect for the state of US laws as they are. You want to practice civil disobedience? Do so privately. You want to be an activist? Go get lit in front of a police station and serve your time. But, don’t mock the law by posting pseudo-anonymously about it like it’s no big deal. Don’t mock the law. Don’t. Mock. The law.

Oh, lawdsy, Miss Scarlett, I do declare Mr. Daniel is gettin’ a case of the vapors! Sit down, honey chile, I’ll get the smelling salts and fill Mr. O'Hara’s ivory pipe with the finest sensimillia this side of Twelve Oaks, you’ll be right as rain in no time!