Club Penguin Cheats

What you want. When you want. Why you want. And where you want.


Secret of the Fur 1. Talk to G and tell him you are ready to find out what the white fur is2. Fix the broken machine that he asks you to fix with the comb on your spy phone3. Now G gives you the white fur, put it in to the machine and it will tell you (the second time you do it) that the fur has hot chocolate, pizza sauce and jet pack fuel.4. Go to the pizza parlor and get one of the hot sauces and one of the chocolates.5. Take the pizza to the penguin that’s fishing behind the ski lodge.6. Now go to the coffee shop and talk to the penguin, he will show you a drawing of the monster he saw.7. Now you have to fix the machine, to do that put the cup under the part where it comes out then pour the chocolate from the pizza parlor in to the machine then use the wrench on your spy phone and twist the milk tube. Put the Hot Chocolate in to your inventory8. Now go back to HQ and grab the AC 1000.9. Go to the beacon and use the AC 1000 on the jet pack fuel floating in the air. Now use the scissors in your spy phone and cut it down.10. Now go downstairs and in to the lighthouse, grab the rope and the net.11. Now go to the HQ and mix all 3 of the things together in to the goggles.12. Go to the ski village and put the goggles on, follow the foot prints in to the next room.13. Grab the candle that you see when you walk in, then head in to the fishing area.14. Put the net and the rope together and tie it to the tree in the fishing place then put the candle on it.15. A crab will come and get trapped. Take the crab and the fur that’s on the ground.16. Give G the crab and put the fur in the machine again and it will tell you it’s a polar bear.Then you completed the mission, get the medal and your pizza box.

Avalanche Alert1. Talk to G, make sure you get him to open the gadget room.2. Once in the gadget room, take the life preserver for your inventory.3. Go to the ski lodge. Go towards the ‘gone fishing’ door, then pick up the fishing rod. Put it into your invetory.4. Go into the lighthouse. at the end of the stage for a rope. Drag it into your inventory. Then, put the life preserver, fishing rod, and rope into 1 inventory Box.5. Go into the sport shop. Go toward the back of the shop, and click on the lime green penguin statue. The belt will come off. Put this into your inventory.6. Then go to the ski village. Click on the ski lift, and drag the belt in your inventory towards the zoomed in ski lift. This fixes the ski lift.7. Head toward the mountain. You will have to click on the ridge run trail. There is a little path you must follow. The combo changes each time (It is very hard. It took me half and hour to find out mine!)8. After you get to the end, where the inner tubes lay, bring out the rope/fishing rod/life preserver shooter. Click it over towards the little hole at the end of the path.9. You must move the preserver to grab penguin 1. The it will be heavier, it will head down to penguin 2. Then try to level it down, past the tree, to the third penguin. Drop all 3 pengs at in front of the big rock on the left. They will push it off, bouncing the 4th penguin up. Grab the first 3 penguins, and it will lower down to penguin 4! You have them all!10. Then go talk to G.11. Then go to the ski village and take the tuft of white fur.12. Give it to G.13.Collect your prize, and do another mission!

G’s Secret Mission1. The secret word is “mogul”2. Don’t worry about the sled test, just crash. You will eventually anyway.3. Pick up the rope and the survival guide.4. Go to the berry bush and pick up 3 O berries.5. Go to the stump and click, this will scare all the puffles away (except for the black 1)6. Feed the black puffle a O berry.7. Then go to the river and pick up the log.8. Go to the berry bush and there will be a tree with something in it. Click the bottom of the tree over and over again, then pick up the pan.9. Go to the log and pick up the ski.10. Go to the river and fill the pan.11. Put the rope on the ski and put a O berry on it, then put it in the river.12. Then pick up the fish.13. Go to the cave and click on the rocks.14. Put the log and the survival guide in the circle.15. Feed the last O berry to the black puffle, he will start a fire.16. Put the pan on the fire and drink it.17. Put the fish on the fire and eat it.18. Go out of the cave and the secret agent will take you away.19. Receive all your prizes and do another mission!

Case of the Missing Puffles1. Talk to Aunt Arctic2. Go to the rink and pick up the photo’s3. Give the photo’s to Aunt Arctic4. Go to the pet shop5. The sentence is “G has __ socks” (different every time)6. Go to the sport shop and ask him about “special items”7. Then tell him how many socks he has (see number 5)8. Take the life preserver shooter then go to the ice berg and save all the people.9. Go to the ski mountain and talk to the penguin.10. Use the spanner on your spy phone to fix the telescope. You’ll see a flying puffle.11. Go to the sport shop and get the grappling hook.12. Use the grappling hook to go up.13. You will find the puffles.14. Receive your prizes and do another mission!

Case of the Missing Coins1. Talk to the green penguin.2. Tell him to close the door.3. Go upstairs and look under the couch, there will be a floppy disk and a paper clip. put them in your inverntory.4. Go to the computer and turn it on.5. Put the Floppy Disk inside it.6. Go to “My Files”7. Go to “Combination Number”8. Write down the numbers and then go back downstairs and talk to the penguin9. Use the Combination number in the vault. It will open.10. Talk to the green penguin and eventually your spy phone will ring.11. Go to the HQ and talk to G.12. Watch the video that G points to.13. Then open the drawer G tells you to open.14. The first key is the rooftop one. Put it in your inventory.15. Then use your key to go to the Rooftop (found it the upstairs of the gift shop).16. Use the spanner on your spy phone to open the “powa box”17. Use the paperclip on the powa box.18. Before you go to the gift shop, pick up the white fluffy stuff and put it in your inventory.19. Go into the Vault and talk to the green penguin (under the coins)20. Go to the HQ and talk to G.21. Give him the Fluffy stuff.22. Pick up the flashlight at the HQ.23. Go to the town and talk to the crying penguin.24. Go inside the Dance club and use the flashlight or night vision goggles to look around.25. Go to the boiler room (in the speaker).26. Click on the “Fuse Box”27. Turn all the little lights red or green (this may take a while).28. Go back to the HQ.29. Talk to G and collect your prizes.30. Do another mission!

36 Responses to “Missions”

  1. squeeliee said

    Sorry, I said you can turn them green or red, but you only can turn them green

  2. courtney said

    thanks these cheats were exsacly wat i needed!! and now all thanks 2 u i have completed all da 3 missions

  3. squeeliee said

    cool. Glad we could help!
    – Squeeliee

  4. squeeliee said

    If any of this information is used in illegal copywright use, you will be put off on warning. If it happens again, your website will be shut down.

  5. george said

    i dont know where g is in the avalanche mission help!!!!!

  6. squeeliee said

    Squeeliee says:
    At the very end, he is drinking coffee near the bottom right hand corner. I was goign to send you a picture by email, but you seemed to have given me a incorrect email adress.

  7. squeeliee said

    He is found at the very end near the bottom right hand corner.

  8. pokemon1234567890 said

    more detale

  9. Steve3579 said

    Where do u find the paperclip???

  10. there r 4 missions and i defeted all of them

  11. squeeliee said

    so have i! did u defeat them with my help?

  12. squeeliee said

    who can finish mission 5?! i cant! wheres the stupid milk and jet pack fuel!!!!!!

  13. Kardas102 said

    Thanks for the advise that helped me a lot!Thanks again for giving us the advise!

  14. franie85 said

    thank you for everything but I cant beleve there is one more mission and it is easy.

  15. franie85 said

    steve3579 is under the couch with the boot disk.

  16. eleni said

    hi the mission are so cool

  17. eleni said

    please even u said it changes tell me what was the combo that u did? maybe i can try it.

  18. squeeliee said

    Sorry I changed the color to the text and now its all weird and it’ll take all day to change it! I hope you can still read it…

  19. Daisey4848 said

    The fifth mission is so easy!!!!

  20. Sparky6464 said

    i just wanted to point out that the colors are gr8!!!
    but still i can get rid of them for you mazemaker one edited my music page and i just erased the text codes

  21. squeeliee said

    Well all i need is for someone to fix this page, so that there is a space in between each.

  22. Sparky6464 said

    oh ok nvm

  23. Tangy said

    i spaced them out for ya. Also Squeeliee wanna have a little get 2 gether on the weekend?

  24. squeeliee said

    thanx, and sure.

  25. Chippry said

    how to crack the code for the missing puffles??

  26. squeeliee said

    In the bottom right hand corner that says “code”, use that!

  27. portomas82 said

    hey put me on author!!!

  28. o sorry we forgot 8( ill add u and can u do the missions?

  29. portomas82 said

    but missions come out like 6 months!!!

  30. portomas82 said

    i can make vids for the missions??

  31. sure!!! that would help alot cause then we dont have to make em

  32. Onlineruler1 said

    hey where is the paper clip?

  33. jai chahal said

    great i did my 4 missions from here only just it was everything write great

  34. Joieann said

    OMG That is what I needed! I think you should just add the questions for a crab mission too. Oh and for mission three when you have to do the fuse box and turn everything green, what’s easier is that you just keep exiting out of the fuse box and eventually it will say “Congratulations! You turned the power back on!” But your info got me through all the missions smoothly! Thanks so much!

  35. i can’t get pass the stupid branch on the avalanche mission and i can’t get the 3rd penguin plz help me thanks

  36. i got pass it thanks

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