About Steph Caldow

So, who is Stephanie Caldow and what is this all about then?

Not sure what to say about myself really… I’m just someone who has always wanted to check a marathon off my ‘list of things to do before I die’.  I’ve had some physical hurdles to overcome over the years (making me an unlikely candidate as a marathon runner); however this is all the more reason for me to accomplish this goal. The way I see it, if you’re going to do a marathon, you may as well make it worth your while – or in this case make it one of the hardest ones in the world!!!  So the Great Wall of China marathon it is.

The added incentive for me is to be able to raise money for the amazing works of the Themba Development Project in South Africa. My friend (and founder of the Project), Catherine Robar is a truly remarkable and inspiring human being, and I hope that this small gesture will be able to greatly assist with her great works.

Please feel free to check out their website:


and make your donation at


In the lead up to the marathon, I’ll keep you posted on my training progress and other stories and factoids along the way.  So come along for the journey, post any comments and feedback that you may have and be sure to make your donation! Your generosity and support will not only help the people of Thembalethu, but will encourage me to cross the finish line on the Great Wall Marathon in May 2011.

2 Responses to About Steph Caldow

  1. Shane Kilkenny says:

    Thankyou steph for your blog it’s a inspiration . I’ve only just started ready it and it’s made me get of my arse and do something good .I have given some money to your good friend Jodi and I’ll try to get more before u go . I hope your trip is everything that you have ever wanted to do . Good luck , Shane

    • Hi Shane,

      Thanks so much for the feedback and your support. That’s what this is all about – by all of humanity helping each other, there is so much that we can achieve. Steph 🙂

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