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  • The Immediate Word

    Christopher Keating
    Katy Stenta
    Thomas Willadsen
    Mary Austin
    Dean Feldmeyer
    Quantisha Mason-Doll
    For June 9, 2024:
  • CSSPlus

    John Jamison
    Object: A sheet large enough for your children to stand around. A 2x4 board, or something of similar size, large enough to stretch across the sheet. A dozen or more tennis balls, golf balls, or other similar balls. For the activity, set the 2x4 on the floor and lay the sheet over it so the 2x4 divides the sheet into two sections.

    Note: You may use the...
  • StoryShare

    John E. Sumwalt
    For this slight momentary affliction is preparing us for an eternal weight of glory beyond all measure, because we look not at what can be seen but at what cannot be seen; for what can be seen is temporary, but what cannot be seen is eternal. (vv. 17-18)

    I officiated at a funeral once for a man named Alfred Dummer who was a plumber. When I asked his family to tell me about his...
  • Emphasis Preaching Journal

    Mark Ellingsen
    1 Samuel 8:4-11 (12-15) 16-20 (11:14-15)
    The First Lesson is embedded in a book whose origin as a distinct text derives from the Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures, which divided the story of Israel’s monarchy into four sections (1 and 2 Samuel and 1 and 2 Kings). This book is probably the result of two or three sources which have been woven together by...
  • Emphasis Preaching Journal

    Frank Ramirez
    Bonnie Bates
    Bill Thomas
    Mark Ellingsen
    1 Samuel 8:4-11 (12-15) 16-20 (11:14-15)
    I am a fan of the Twilight Zone television show. Though it first aired in 1958, I find the topics it addresses to be fascinating. One episode from season five, “Number 12 Looks Just Like You,” came to mind as I thought about this familiar text.

     In this episode, we see a future society, all nineteen-year-olds go...
  • SermonStudio

    John E. Sumwalt
    Jo Perry-Sumwalt
    In the beginning, Adam and Eve were living happily ever after. They were the first human family. They were created in the image of God. God's name in those days was Elohim, which means "God." God told them to be fruitful and multiply. The human family was destined to grow and become.

    Strange are the ways of Elohim, for Elohim is a God of adventure and imagination and curiosity....
  • SermonStudio

    Gary L. Carver
    Her father was an alcoholic. Her mother worked most all the time. She had little choice. Her brother had recently been killed. Things were chaotic at home. She felt she had to get out. So she decided she could finish high school later. After all, the guy she was dating had asked her to marry him. She was sure that he did not really mean to hit her. He said he was sorry. He promised that it would...
  • SermonStudio

    David G. Rogne
    One morning I was roused from sleep around 3 a.m. by the ringing of the telephone. The person on the other end of the line was distraught because, she said, she had committed the unforgivable sin. It is interesting to me that such calls often occur at such an hour, after the bars have closed. The woman went on to say that at some point in her life she had really been angry about something, and...
  • SermonStudio

    Robert G. Beckstrand
    I give you thanks, O LORD, with my whole heart;
    before the gods I sing your praise ...
    for you have exalted your name and your word
    above everything ...
    The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me;
    your steadfast love, O LORD, endures forever.
    Do not forsake the work of your hands.
    -- Psalm 138:1, 2c, 8

    Theme: Seven reasons...
  • SermonStudio

    Lori Lee Triplett
    (This can be done as a readers' theatre or memorized with three or six people. If three are used, simply double A/D, B/E, C/F)

    A: Okay, I thought I was doing the right thing. I reported the other cashier for stealing. But now I'm the one without the job, because she blamed me. How am I supposed to pay my bills? I wish I'd never said anything.

    B: So, I have this wonderful...

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