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Sirasa Superstar Surendra should have won!

ss-2Sirasa Superstar, which was one of the most watched and followed events next to the Cricket World Cup final, ended on Saturday night. However, many people were disappointed as Surendra Perera should have been the winner. Pradeep Rangana should consider himself very lucky to have won this event. Many questioned the validity of SMS voting and felt that contestants should have been judged by an independent panel of judges. Furthermore, the telecommunication network that was receiving the SMS in the area where Surendra came from was jammed for a certain period of time, which prevented thousands of his supporters from voting for him.

It is evident that there have been some unscrupulous persons who benefited from this event and prevented the best person from winning this title. One also wonders whether his faith was a factor that went against him and thus discriminated. By Jennifer Van Twest-TN

November 4, 2007 Posted by | International News, Sirasa Superstar, South Asia, Surendra Perera, World News | 46 Comments