
‘Liss Junior School provides a good quality of education.’

‘Pupils enjoy coming to school, as demonstrated by their consistently high attendance and good behaviour. They concentrate well in lessons and are responsible and thoughtful of others in keeping noise levels down in class and when they move around in the open-plan building.

Governors and senior leaders work well together and self-evaluation is strong. Good attitudes to learning and positive relationships with staff ensure pupils respond well at all times. Pupils develop their capacity to work independently when working in small groups or with partners; they collaborate well and stay focused. In this encouraging learning climate the very few pupils who speak English as an additional language speedily settle in and acquire the understanding they need to make good progress.

The mix of age groups in classes works well because teachers frequently set work appropriate to pupils working in small groups based on the progress they have made.

The curriculum is well designed to provide active and varied learning experiences. Teachers make very good use of the open-plan nature of the building to move groups into different spaces, for instance to use computers or to take advantage of the attractive outdoor space, so that learning has a fluid, active ethos that keeps pupils involved. The link with an external partner to provide sports education works very well as pupils respond enthusiastically to good quality coaching. Participation in music is also a good feature with about a third of pupils receiving individual tuition as well as whole-class experiences. A good range of after-school clubs is on offer and those who come to breakfast club are helped to enjoy extra learning experiences. Pupils are well guided and cared for.

There is good support for all pupils and especially for those experiencing emotional upsets, or whose family circumstances may render them vulnerable in some way.’

Ofsted Report September 2011

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