Banning Circumcision and Happy Meals in SF But Not Up Your Alley

November 11, 2010 at 11:01 PM Leave a comment

You know, it just keeps getting more interesting in the world, but specifically in San Francisco.  Not long ago, a brouhaha began in San Francisco because supervisors felt the need to take on the Golden Arches and their Happy Meal.  Yes, ladies and gentlemen, those pesky Happy Meals can be fattening!  Who would have thought?  Never fear, because “San Francisco’s board of supervisors has voted, by a veto-proof margin, to ban most of McDonald’s Happy Meals as they are now served in the restaurants.  The measure will make San Francisco the first major city in the country to forbid restaurants from offering a free toy with meals that contain more than set levels of calories, sugar and fat.” [1]

This is absolutely incredible, isn’t it?  With so much happening in the world, obviously too much fat in a Happy Meal was more than the SF Board of Supervisors could handle!  Thank goodness they are on the job!  Do I hear an AMEN?

But not to be outdone, a gentleman also in San Francisco decided to step up to the plate to take on the major problem of…circumcision.  That’s right, folks.  Circumcision is the number one…way of having foreskin removed from newborns.  (Shhh…don’t tell Barbara Boxer who it is alleged refuses to state that a newborn baby is actually a human being!)

At any rate, “Lloyd Schofield, San Francisco resident is proposing a ballot measure that would ban circumcision in the City, according to the San Francisco Examiner.  If passed in November 2011, the measure would change San Francisco’s police code ‘to make it a misdemeanor to circumcise, excise, cut or mutilate the foreskin, testicle or penis of another person under the age of 18.’ The punishment up to a $1,000 fine and up to one year in prison.  To get the measure on the November ballot, he will have to collect 7,168 signatures by April 26, 2011…“[2]

I cannot help but wonder why people believe that we need yet MORE government involvement in our lives.  It becomes incredible after a while to think that people believe that things like the above need government involvement in order to get what they want.

But this is where it gets weird, but I guess, not all that surprising especially given the fact that we are talking about San Francisco.  While the Board of Supervisors and our friend Lloyd are involving themselves in such erstwhile pursuits as too much fat and too much scalpel, they appear to be completely blind to the fact that there is way too much sexual irregularity and immorality.

Now before you think I am going to rail against homosexuality, the main point I’m actually going to make does involve homosexuality, but even the most stalwart supporter of the Gay lifestyle should have a problem with a little event called “Up Your Alley.”  Have you heard of it?  If not, I’m going to suggest that you do some research on the Internet. You may find some very interesting things regarding this annual event.

For instance, without getting too graphic, please note that this event may not necessarily be sanctioned by the SF Board of Supervisors.  I’m not sure if they simply look the other way or what, but it is obvious that the SF Police Officers who are at the event (for security purposes, not to participate), do look the other way.

So what is so bad about “Up Your Alley”?  Any number of things, but probably the most disgusting aspect of this event is what grown men do to one another in public (doorways, the street, tents, etc.).  I wish I could show you some of the photos from this event, but decency won’t allow it and you would likely be as disgusted as I am.

During “Up Your Alley,” men walk around half nude (some all nude except for shoes), drinking beer (beer companies used to actually sponsor the event, but have become much more low-keyed about it since more of the public has found out about the event), and participating in sexual liaisons and acts.  When I say “sexual liaisons,” I’m referring to sexual acts.  Yes, sexual acts done in the open.  These can range from anything from a…oh wait, I really cannot say just exactly what these men do with and to one another, but you can guess, I’m sure.

So, let’s look the situation:  In San Francisco, it is important that Happy Meals at McDonald’s do not contain more fat than they should, and there is at least one man who wants to outlaw circumcision (I cannot imagine Jewish families going along with that); however, when it comes to half-nude to all-nude men walking around the streets, greeting each other with much more than a kiss, no one bats an eye!  Is there something wrong with this picture?  You bet there is, but don’t tell the SF Supervisors or Lloyd Scofield because they will likely resent the fact that you have said anything derogatory about the Gay lifestyle.

Look folks, if people want to be homosexuals, or are homosexuals, that’s their (problem? right? privilege? – whatever) situation.  To bring it out into the streets and put it on display for all to see is not only ridiculous and anti-social, but extremely unconscionable.  Does anyone else see the irony in this entire situation? The Board of Supervisors in SF believes that it is extremely important to protect young children from too much fat in their food and Lloyd Scofield goes even further to step up to the plate on behalf of newborn boys with his attempt to get circumcision legally banned, but NO ONE is worried about the effects of grown men who are half-nude or all-nude having sex in the streets!

What is wrong with these people?  Not only can they not see the forest for the trees, but they wrongly believe the trees are lollipops!  What a group of absolute morons and that’s the nicest thing I can say about them.

They need to get their priorities straight and the only way to do that is through repentance.  God will forgive and cleanse, but not until asked to do so.  People who are so far from God become more and more morally corrupt over time, and the people of San Francisco (Supervisors, and men who participate in “Up Your Alley” and those who support that event and events like that one) need to get right with God.  That only comes through honest to goodness truth and repentance.  Apart from that, nothing changes and people will continue to believe that they are doing the right thing and are on the right track.

It does not surprise me that those who move further away from God become more morally corrupt, yet believe they are actually doing good things for others.  There is no comparison between forcing a fast food restaurant to curb their fat content and introduce a ban on circumcision, all the while the real problems in the city of SF continue unabated.



Entry filed under: 9/11, alienology, Atheism and religion, Demonic, dispensationalism, Eastern Mysticism, emergent church, Islam, israel, Judaism, Life in America, new age movement, Posttribulational Rapture, Pretribulational Rapture, Religious - Christian - End Times, Religious - Christian - Prophecy, Religious - Christian - Theology, salvation, Satanism, Sharia Law, temple mount, ufology. Tags: , , , , , .

De Facto Shariah Law in America Fusion Centers, Residence Facilities, and Council of Governors

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