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I have a love affair with plastic. It is however, a shabby affair based on surface attraction and convenience. With every meal I take pre-packaged in plastic comes a little drop of poison. 

I feel the Earth is so full to bursting with the waste that we try to hide under it's surface that I wouldn't be surprised to see cracks appearing and the stuffing escaping.

Thinking about what might appear from these cracks is the inspiration for this work.

The cocktail begins brewing in my bin and one hundred miles away is added to the larger potion slowly fermenting at the landfill site. The concoction of the many thousands of similarly discarded plastics, packaging, bottles, tubs and trays mixed with chemicals, toxins, minerals and organic matter is pressured together in a bubbling, gaseous exchange. Who knows what this might produce.

Using the plastics I would normally discard to such a fate I have constructed a fantasy of mutant growths. Organically informed yet celebrating their own identity, like cast off lovers empowered to reclaim a new life.

Though these plastic mutants thrusting up through the living room carpet are implausible and humorous I hope to draw attention to what really lies under the landscape. 

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