Bespoke Fire Safety Training...



This Fire Safety Training is bespoke to your Company or Business, it is not bog standard, it is specific to you.

I will visit your premises to discuss any issues or problems and produce a site specific training programme built around your emergency plan.

Ask yourself the following;

  • Do my staff know what is expected of them if they discover a fire or hear the fire alarm?
  • Do my staff or any other relevant persons know where to evacuate and assemble?
  • Have my staff travelled all routes of exit to their place of ultimate safety?
  • Have any of my staff been given certain duties or responsibilities in case of an emergency?
  • If so, are they suitably trained to carry out those duties?
  • Are my staff trained to evacuate people who need assistance to escape?
  • Do I conduct evacuation drills?

Prepare and practice your plan so that everyone that you are responsible for will be safe.

If in doubt, contact SCF Fire Safety.

“Safety Comes First”