Invitation Wording and Etiquette

Birthday Invitation Wording

Birthday Invitation Wording
Birthday Invitation Wording! This article contains unique ideas on Birthday Invitation wording and etiquette. Our free sample of Birthday Invitation wording will enable you to create a unique and unusual custom made invite for this special celebration. A Birthday is a traditional reason for celebration. It doesn't matter how old a person is, it's always nice to be remembered and appreciated with a special party or event. Get your friends and family together to offer their congratulations, eat some cake and sing "Happy Birthday to you!".

Birthday Invitation Wording
Our ideas and sample wording, quotes and etiquette will enable you to create your own unusual Birthday Invitation card using your own unique design skills and flair. A quick glance at the template, Birthday Invitation quotes will provide you with some great ideas and inspiration.

Letter Format


Sample Birthday Invitation Wording and Etiquette
The following sample Birthday Invitation Wording and Etiquette provides unusual ideas for your unique custom made invite.


Birthday Invitation Wording Layout, Etiquette and Content

Sample Birthday Invitation wording ideasSample Birthday Invitation Wording

A nice touch when sending a Birthday Invitation is to include a quote, verse, saying or rhyme



* "The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age!"

Quote by Lucille Ball



* See below for more Birthday Invitation Quotes


Come and join us at
a (Surprise) Birthday party for Nicola!
Let's eat, drink and be merry!

Celebrations will be held at
200, Main Street, Knightsbridge

on Thursday May 17
at 7.30 in the evening

Look forward to seeing you...

R.S.V.P. Tel: Susan 223.768.2603

Sample Birthday Invitation wording ideasSample Birthday Invitation Wording

Samples Help! Unique Birthday Invitation Wording Template
Make this free Birthday Invitation wording and template unique and personalized to your own requirements. There is a selection of famous quotes and sayings to add to the invite card to ensure a unique wording template for this special event. The Birthday Invitation wording should be short, unambiguous and to the point! The following considerations, hints and tips, should be made before designing your card and finalising the wording for the party:

Theme of card - Formal or Informal style? Modern or traditional? Cool or Cute?

Your choice of colors and graphics on your Birthday Invitation card?
Type / Format of invite card - Postcard or folded notelet format
The information required for the party Invitation!
 Who - Who is hosting the party and who is being invited
 Where - Where the party is being held
 Why - The reason for the party / celebration
 When - The Date and the Time of the party
 What - Any special instructions about the party - bring a bottle, fancy dress etc.
 How - How to reply!
  Contact info (address or, if an informal invite, telephone number, FAX or email address)
  RSVP requesting a formal written reply, Informal reply by telephone, FAX or email
  Reply Deadline Date

Sample Birthday Invitation Wording & Etiquette - Watch the Video!
We have provided a short video on Birthday Invitation wording and a simple step-by-step guide to the etiquette of writing this type of invite.


Birthday Invitation Wording - Watch the Video!


Birthday Invitation Wording
Watch the Video!

Organizing a celebration? Need the correct wording and etiquette for a Birthday Invitation? Our Samples and Examples Help! Our video sample provides a good example of how to design and what to write in  your Birthday Invitation. The short video is designed to provide some inspiration to approaching this task. Save yourself some time and look at the video example with the correct wording, format and layout to use when creating a unique Birthday Invitation.

Invitation Envelopes

Sample Invitation Wording & Etiquette!

Sample Quotes and Sayings for your Birthday Invitation
We have provided this selection of famous quotes and sayings to add to your Birthday Invitation card template to ensure an unusual and unique invitation wording. The invitations can be a simple postcard or a folded notelet format. A great idea is to place a quote or saying on either the back of the card or on the left hand side of the Birthday Invitation card wording.

"Middle age is when your age starts to show around your middle!" Quote by Bob Hope

"A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman's birthday but never remembers her age!" Quote by Robert Frost
"Age is strictly a case of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!" Quote by George Bernard Shaw
"The old believe everything; the middle-aged suspect everything; the young know everything!" Quote by Jack Benny
"Old age is like everything else. To make a success of it, you've got to start young!" Quote by Oscar Wilde
"The years between fifty and seventy are the hardest. You are always being asked to do things, and yet you are not decrepit enough to turn them down!" Birthday Invitation Quote by Pablo Picasso

Birthday Invitation Wording - Sample Guide and Template
We hope you have found help and inspiration for wording ideas when creating a unique, personalized Birthday Invitation card. The wording info ensures the appropriate invite wording layout and template to use for your important celebration. Good ideas on how to create and design a homemade card with appropriate wording. Have a great time!



Birthday Invitation Wording

Wording, Etiquette, Sample and Example
Free, helpful ideas & tips on writing invite cards
Birthday Invitation wording and etiquette
Free template with Quotes and sayings
Note or card wording and format template
Unique Birthday Invitation Wording Template
What to write on invitation cards - wording ideas
Video example and sample of Birthday Invitation wording and the correct etiquette


Birthdays - Invitations - Wording - Cards - Free - Printable - Template - Card - Invite - Invites - Party - Invitations - Invitation - Ideas - Printable - Homemade - Design - Create - Unique - Quotes - Sayings - Words - Etiquette - Custom - Unusual - Example - Sample - Examples - Samples - Birthdays - Invitations

Sample Birthday Invitation Wording & Etiquette

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