
Hi, I’m a travel, garden and just-about-anything-that-will-pay, writer and photographer. My passion is travel…in a perfect world it would be travel to lovely (as they say in England) gardens local and all over the world.

I’ve been writing professionally for over ten years…newspapers, magazines, books (contributor) and online. It is about time I blogged. I have so many thoughts, ideas, stories and adventures from travel that I want to share…I can’t hold it all in…I might explode…!

In my welcome I mentioned I hate crowds. Can’t stand to wait in line and will do just about anything to avoid it. It is very frustrating to spend time in a line when I could be seeing or doing something cool. I’ll give some hints along the way if that bothers you too.

I also have a fascination with odd things while travelling, like bathrooms. It is crazy how bathrooms differ all over the world…how they work…and yup, I have photos!

My background is totally different from writing. I was born in the corporate world. By born, I mean, most of my family worked for the automotive industry and I grew up and followed in their footsteps, literally…my dad and sister worked at the same facility I worked.

About ten years ago I just had enough…I was in Purchasing management. I whole lot of stress on a daily…almost every second…basis. Several people had told me they loved to read my writing. At that time, it was mostly letters, post cards and business writing. It made me think…I love to write…love to tell stories…why don’t I try this? Especially since I was working for the boss from hell at this time.

So, here I am. I hope you sign up to follow me and read about my past and future adventures. I’m one of those people who just has adventures…nothing is straight forward and goes perfectly, if you know what I mean. But these little glitches, sometimes cause some fun times…at least when I look back on them…!

I also lead a group of Master Gardeners on an annual trip to gardens around the Midwest. In between my blogs about travel and visits to gardens will be places that the garden group has travelled over the past ten years. If you live in Michigan, mostly Oakland County or nearby…check out the Master Gardener Society website for news of my yearly trips…see www.mgsoc.org and look under trips and tours. The garden bus trip is usually posted by October each year for next year…and it is full  a few weeks later!

Visit my website at www.SandieParrott.com

Check out my articles in the Michigan Gardener, Acres USA and wherever else they may appear…

Email me at info@SandieParrott.com

Sandie Parrott

(Photos in this blog were either given to me with permission or in most all cases taken by me and are my property. Use of any photo or written material is only with written permission from me.)

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