Maldives Plans For Drowning By Building Huge New Airport Next To The Ocean

They are obviously really worried about global warming and sea level rise and any other way to scam money out of stupid bankrupt western governments.

h/t to Scarlet Pumpernickel

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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16 Responses to Maldives Plans For Drowning By Building Huge New Airport Next To The Ocean

  1. peterhodges says:

    they are not doing the scamming.

    it’s called $$ for votes

  2. chris y says:

    Several possibilities-

    1- The Maldives thinks catastrophic climate change is the most serious near-term crisis facing the Maldives. They are building the airport to prepare for the massive evacuations needed in a few years as sea level rise passes through an inflection point and nonlinearly rises, just like the CACA’s have foretold.

    2- The Maldives thinks catastrophic climate change is a load of hooey. They are building the airport to support future tourism activity and prepare for a world cup bid, using the CACA (Catastrophic Anthropogenic Climate Alarmist) scare story to extract funding from the U.S.

    3- The Maldives apply the precautionary principle using other peoples’ money. The airport is a floating structure, making it impervious to any future sea level change. The ridiculous cost of such a scheme is not a concern, since other countries are footing the bill through CACA-induced IPCC Climate Reparations Act Payments (CRAP).

  3. Tom Carter says:

    Shouldn’t the Maldives be building a port for SAILING SHIPS instead of this huge JetPort which – if they believe what they say – will add to the CO2 and-thus- sea level rise?
    Another scam!

  4. Jimbo says:

    Here is some information about atolls and sea level rise.

    New Scientist – June 2010
    “For years, people have warned that the smallest nations on the planet – island states that barely rise out of the ocean – face being wiped off the map by rising sea levels. Now the first analysis of the data broadly suggests the opposite: most have remained stable over the last 60 years, while some have even grown….During that time, local sea levels have risen by 120 millimetres, or 2 millimetres per year on…

    The dynamic response of reef islands to sea-level rise
    Results contradict existing paradigms of island response and have significant implications for the consideration of island stability under ongoing sea-level rise in the central Pacific. First, islands are geomorphologically persistent features on atoll reef platforms and can increase in island area despite sea-level change.

    Solomon Star – March 5, 2009
    When the sea rises, the atoll rises with it, and when the sea falls, they fall as well.

    Human induced factors that can lead to sea water inundation, intrusion and erosion:
    Sand mining and gravel extraction for the construction industry
    Blasting boat passages
    Impacts of recreational divers
    Unsustainable over-extraction of fresh water from the lens
    See also the State of the Reefs – Pacific [NOAA]

    The following is an open letter to the president of the Maldives written in 2010 by Dr. Nils-Axel Mörner. His main points were:

    “Let me summarize a few facts.
    (1) In the last 2000 years, sea level has oscillated with 5 peaks reaching 0.6 to 1.2 m above the present sea level.

    (2) From 1790 to 1970 sea level was about 20 cm higher than today

    (3) In the 1970s, sea level fell by about 20 cm to its present level

    (4) Sea level has remained stable for the last 30 years, implying that there are no traces of any alarming on-going sea level rise.

    (5) Therefore, we are able to free the Maldives (and the rest of low-lying coasts and island around the globe) from the condemnation of becoming flooded in the near future.”
    The Maldives leadership knows about all the above but rely on naive or dishonest activists to perpetuate this massive lie.

  5. Jimbo says:

    Here is some more:

    Use of Artificial Reef Structures to Rehabilitate Reef Flats Degraded by Coral Mining in the Maldives – 1994
    “Reef flats of low-lying atoll coral islands are not only barriers against wave action but also the source of sediments of which the islands are built. Degradation of the reef flats by human activities may seriously impair these functions and lead to erosion and inundation. In the Maldives, large areas of reef flats have been degraded by mining of coral for the construction industry.”

  6. The Maldives economy has had robust growth averaging close to 8 percent per annum during the last decade.
    The Invest Maldives website “Why Invest In Maldives” page says: “The vast untapped potential in natural marine resources and the young, energetic and dynamic workforce are strong inducements to invest in the Maldives.” And: “The Maldives is socially cohesive, with a homogenous population that shares one culture, religion [Islam] and language.” (uh-oh: no diversity!)


  7. Mike says:

    @ Steven –

    I don’t know if you saw the Guardian article on the Wikileaks thing, but it’s been revealed that the Maldives were bribed by the American government to support their version of a global warming deal, so they were always going to be doing what they were told.

  8. Neo says:

    Obviously, they will put the entire airport on hydraulic jacks so it can be elevated if the sea level goes up.

  9. Pingback: Emission Trading - Page 297 - Renovate Forums

  10. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    Maybe they should build the airport underwater and save money?

  11. Pingback: For Your Consideration – December 5th « John R. Bolton

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