Redhead Produce Open for Business

So far we are selling tomato and onion starts and eggs.  Soon we should have produce:  lettuce, carrots, onions and peas.  We are going to start selling at the local farmers market too, Bow Little Market on Thursday afternoons.  We will have fiber products there too.

We decided to call our produce stand Redhead Produce.  Schoonover Farm is hard to pronounce and spell.  Samish and Red Shed were already taken.  And Jarmin Prairie and Belfast, WA references were too obscure.

Wish us luck with our new endeavor.

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19 Responses to Redhead Produce Open for Business

  1. Murphy says:

    Very cool, Donna! I miss having my egg shack(hence my other name:kristasgiftshack) and where Hens and Friends came from. I hope you do well.
    Cheers to summer!

    • Thanks Krista! I did not know you had a shack. I hope we do well. The egg business is so far good, but not the veggie starts. Summer will definitely help.

  2. Jonathan Bates says:

    Good Luck!

  3. Jonathan Bates says:

    Very cool!

  4. I’m so excited for you, Donna. It’s great to see your little enterprise up and running.

    I wish you every success. You deserve the best.


  5. Jody says:

    Good luck, your booth looks great !!

  6. Teresa says:

    So exciting! I hope things go well for you!

  7. goatgirl says:

    I love the name! Good luck!

  8. jackie says:

    I love the name! I wish you all the luck in the world!

  9. Erik Conrad says:

    Good Luck Donna! Been reading your stuff for a couple of years and look forward to new posts.

  10. Pingback: The End of Eras | Schoonover Farm Blog

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