Thursday 8 October 2009

Representation of youth/teenagers in skins

Skins Series 3 episode 1 (2.30 - 5.11 secs)
Representaions of youth/teenagers

In the opening scene of skins there are many camera techniques used to help represent the different age groups.
We first see a black screen with music playing and the sound of the skateboard in the background, this creates anticipation and enigma. The first shot we see is tracking a skateboard, it's a low level, close up shot so we can only see the persons feet, it also lasts a long time. This enables us to see the skill of the skateboarder, creating him to be a 'cool' figure. The shot of the turd shows humours and that its a light hearted programme. A match on action at a fast pace shows the skater jumping over the turd to show that he knows what he's doing and again is seen as 'cool'. As the skater stops a close up shot shows sparks created as the skateboard grinds against the ground, representing the character to be powerful. The extreme close up of the phone when the skater gets a text shows antisocial behaviour by showing drug use of the teens.
When we see the face of the skater (Freddie) for the first time there is a slight low angle to show that he's a character teenagers would look up to. An arc shot, establishes where he is, which is followed by an eye line shot to show us where he's going. As Freddie skates down the road the editing speeds up but still has the 180degree rule to show he's travelling somewhere at full speed. A hand held camera is also used to show this. There is contrast between this and the adult as the camera is a still static shot, when on the adult to show the contrast between the ages. The slow motion as Freddie jumps over the roadworks indulges what he's doing and makes it seem almost heroic. Again, a close up of the skateboard is used to show the sparks, this time showing him urgency to stop as he approaches a lorry, which he manages to miss, making him appear to be slick. When we first see Freddie's mates they are seen with beer on their table and one of them is smoking a 'spliff' in public, showing they don't care what others think. The other teenager has a lucasade bottle and seems to be quite 'geeky' by his hair and braces. A deep depth shot shows Freddie swearing and an adult in the background crashing into the lorry Freddie missed before. Again this creates a contrast between the ages making teenagers to appear 'cool' and adults to be a joke. The adult being in the background could also show he is not cared about and insignificant. Over the shoulder shots show Freddie and Cook laughing at the 'geeky' friend. Medium close ups of Cook and JJ show the contrast between these characters as Cook is seen drinking and JJ is eating a snicker bar making Cooks character appear more rebellious. A medium shot shows Cook burping in front of people showing his disrespect to the public. Throughout the conversation the 180 degree rule is kept. When Effy's dad crashes his car a medium shot shows the reaction of these teenagers with Cook laughing. A medium close up following Effy's dad is used to show his anger. A long shot of the teenagers watching Effy's dad again shows Cook laughing, again making adults seem to be a joke, as the viewer would also be laughing at the reaction of the adult. An eye line shot is used as Freddie to show him looking at Effy who is seen smoking in the car, careless of the crash.

1 comment:

  1. Great effort Sophie. The second half of this shows what you have done independently - it is good! You have use technical terms accurately too.

    + Be specific and concise in your introductions when you explain what representations are being made ("In the opening scene of skins there are many camera techniques used to help represent the different age groups."< not really specific enough, compared to the rest of your analysis)

